Local Mode
To start REMLOG in local mode, at the $
prompt, enter remlog
. The following prompt is displayed:
This is the REMLOG prompt at which you can enter any of the REMLOG commands. The following sections list these commands in alphabetical order.
The REMLOG commands can be entered in upper or lower case, and can also be abbreviated. Abbreviated commands require the minimum number of characters for unique identification; for example, R for REMOTE or SE for SET.
! Command
The ! command allows you to execute a single UNIX command from within REMLOG. The command is executed on the local UNIX system.
! Command
Syntax Elements
Command This is any valid UNIX command.
Example 1
remlog>!cat items/ITEM1
Northgate Public Services
Boundary Way
Hemel Hempstead
Example 2
remlog>!ls -l items
total 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 fred other 65 Oct 3 17:01 ITEM1
-rw-r--r-- 1 fred other 56 Oct 3 12:37 ITEM2
close or disconnect Command
The close (disconnect) command terminates a remote connection while in local mode.
Both the above examples terminate the currently active connection.
exit or quit Command
The exit and quit commands terminate any current connection and exit the REMLOG program.
The EOF character (normally set to CTRL+D) has the same effect as the quit command.
help Command
The help
command displays the following screen:
Command list : help or ? print help information open or connect open a connection to a remote host (open|connect host) close or disconnect close the connection status print status information set set operating parameters (set parameter value) remote go to remote mode if a connection exists ! escape to the shell exit or quit exit or quit remlog
open or connect Command
The open (connect) command establishes a connection to a remote environment. If the connection is successful, you can access the environment as if the terminal were directly connected. See Remote Mode.
If the connection is refused an error message is displayed and the remlog> prompt repeated.
[ open || connect ] SystemName {UserId{,UserPasswd}} {Account{,AcctPasswd}}
Syntax Elements
SystemName This is the name of the remote system or environment to which connection is required (as entered in the ROUTE-FILE by the system administrator).
UserId This is the user-id on a remote system/environment. This parameter is optional. If it is supplied, the user is logged on with the user-id named. If it is omitted and there is a relevant entry in the USERS-FILE, the network user-id is used. If it is omitted, and there is no relevant entry in the USERS-FILE, the user is presented with the login prompt on the remote system.
To use the USERS-FILE entry, but specify the account name, enter "" as the user-id.
To log directly to a Reality or SovereignX environment the user-id and any associated password must be supplied either in the command line or in the USERS-FILE.
UserPasswd This is the password associated with the supplied user-id. For connection to another UNIX system the password cannot be supplied in this way; supplying the user-id results in display of the password prompt. If the user-id is obtained from the USERS-FILE, any associated password is also obtained from the USERS-FILE.
Account This parameter is only required when connecting to a remote Reality environment. It must be the name of a Reality account. This parameter is optional — if it is supplied, the user is logged on to the account named; if it is omitted, the user is presented with the Enter account name prompt.
AcctPasswd This is the account password. If the account name is supplied, and the account has a password, the password must be supplied.
remlog> open HQ SYSPROG,KEY1
This opens a connection to the remote environment identified by the name HQ, and logs directly on to the SYSPROG user-id which has a password of KEY1.
remote Command
This command allows you to switch from local to remote mode. Note, however, that this can only be done if a connection is active.
remlog> remote
set Command
The set command allows you to change the parameters, ESCAPE and TRANSLATE.
The ESCAPE setting specifies the method used to change from remote to local mode. The default is the CTRL+] key combination.
The TRANSLATE setting specifies whether character translation is operative. The default is
. If the remote system is a Reality or SovereignX environment and the terminal in use is a member of the P-Series, TRANSLATE must be set toNO
set Parameter Value
Syntax Elements
Parameter must be either ESCAPE or TRANSLATE.
Value is the new value of the specified parameter.
For ESCAPE, press the key or key-combination that will be used to change from remote to local mode, and then press ENTER. Note that some key-combinations are not displayed.
For TRANSLATE, enter either YES or NO. The default is NO.
The characters ‘!’ (SHIFT+1) and ‘:’ (SHIFT+;) should not be used as escape sequences because they have special meanings when using the vi editor.
The .remlog File
If you wish, you can create a file containing your preferred TRANSLATE and ESCAPE settings. This file must be called .remlog and must be placed in your home directory.
The .remlog file must contain one line for each option you wish to set, with each line containing the name of the option and the required setting. Note that in the case of the ESCAPE option, you must specify the ASCII value (in decimal) of the required key combination. For example:
The values are generated by different control key combinations.
Example 1
remlog> set TRANSLATE YES
switches character translation on.
Example 2
remlog> set ESCAPE
sets CTRL+[ as the new escape sequence. (Note that this key-combination is not displayed on the screen).
status Command
The status command displays details of the current connection, and the current settings of the ESCAPE and TRANSLATE parameters (see the SET command for details of these parameters).
Example 1
remlog> status
No connection
Parameters :
In this example, there is no current connection. The settings of the ESCAPE and TRANSLATE parameters are displayed. The ESCAPE character is disabled in the SovereignX environment.
Example 2
remlog> status
Connected to SPI-21
Connection established at Wed Jun 17 15:54:20 1993
In this example, the details of the current connection, as well as the settings of the ESCAPE and TRANSLATE parameters, are displayed.