Restoring Clean Logs onto the Database

Having restored the most recent database save using option 1 on the Database Recovery menu, you must now carry out this procedure to replay all changes logged since the last save so as to bring the database up to date.


tlmenu can only restore complete clean logs. To selectively restore from a clean log, use the TL-RESTORE TCL command.


  1. Select option 2 on the Database Recovery menu. A message is then displayed describing the purpose of the procedure and prompting you to confirm that you wish to continue. Enter y  to start the restore procedure.
  2. tlmenu 'looks' for the first clean log on the database disk. This will be the clean log that was active at the time that the save was carried out. It will therefore be incomplete. Hence, a message prompt similar to the following is displayed:

    Clean Log CLOG990730-05 does not exist on disk, or is incomplete on disk.
    Do you want to restore Clean Log CLOG990730-05 from tape (y/n/q) ? :

    Enter y  to continue with the restore.

  3. You are then prompted to select a tape device to load the clean log from a list of tape devices available on the database. Enter the appropriate tape device number.
  4. You are then asked to confirm that the correct tape is loaded on the selected tape device:

    Is correct tape mounted on tape unit n (y/n/q) ? :

    Ensure that the correct tape is loaded onto the selected device, then enter y  to load the clean log onto the database.

  5. You are then prompted to replay updates from the clean log onto the database with a prompt similar to:

    Do you want to tlrestore CLOG990730-05 (y/n/q) :

    where CLOG990730-05 is the clean log just loaded onto the database. Enter y  to continue with the restore.

  6. The clean log is then restored and if the TL-REJECT file does not exist, it is created. Messages similar to the following are displayed:

    Transaction logging restore of CLOG990730-05 complete
        149087 applied
            1 rejected
      Next log CLOG990730-06
  7. You are then prompted to load the next clean log in sequence either from tape, or from disk. Repeat steps 2 to 6 until you reach the last clean log before Transaction Logging was stopped, when you are prompted with:

    Clean  Log CLOG990730-0n exists in Clean Log Directory.
    Do you want to create a D-ptr to it on the database (y/n/q) ? :

    The most recent clean log will still be on your system, but the recently restored save will not contain a D-pointer to it. Enter y  to create the pointer.

  8. You are then prompted:

    Do you want to tlrestore CLOG990730-0n (y/n/q) ? :

    Enter y  to start the restore. The last clean log is then restored, so that the database is fully recovered. Now you must start logging again using option 2 on the Configuration and Setup menu.