Backup Methods used by tlmenu

Three backup methods are available to tlmenu such as using the single-deck FILE-SAVE and ACCOUNT-RESTORE procedures, the multi-deck save and restore utility dbsave, or physical save (realdump and realload). Single-deck FILE-SAVE is the default.


tlmenu can only set up the backup method for the database specified on the command line. If you are configuring Shadow Database or Failsafe, you must configure each database separately. Ensure that both databases are configured to use the same backup method.

You can change the method used with Configuration and Setup option 5, as follows:

  1. Select option 2 (Configuration and Setup) from the main administration menu. Then select option 5 (Configure backup method).
  2. You are prompted to confirm that you want to reconfigure the backup method:

    This option allows the backup method to be configured. 
    Note the database must be shut down in order to reconfigure it.
    Do you want to do this (y/n/q) ? :


    tlmenu will shut down the database for you and any users will be logged off. You may wish to send users a message to warn them.

    Enter y to proceed or n to return to the Configuration and Setup menu. If you enter q, you will leave tlmenu.

  3. You are then prompted to select the required backup method:

    Select backup method
            1. FILE-SAVE      (Logical save [sequential])
            2. Physical Save  ([sequential or parallel])
            3. dbsave         (Logical save [parallel])
            4. FILE-SAVE/Physical Save (Choose at time of save)
            Enter option (1-4) :

    Enter the number corresponding to the method you require, or press RETURN to return to the Configuration and Setup menu.


    • If you select the FILE-SAVE/Physical Save option, you will be prompted to set parameters that apply only to physical save. These parameters will be ignored if you choose FILE-SAVE when you perform a backup or restore.
    • If you choose dbsave, you must calibrate the database before you can backup your database. For details, refer to the description of the dbsave command.
  4. tlmenu then prompts you to enter the numbers of the tape units you want to use:

    The following tapes are available on the local database:
                            Tape Unit Status
    Unit   Type    Status         Port    Channel  Device
    number                        number  name
     1     Image   Available                       c:/temp/tape1.rti
     2     Image   Available                       c:/temp/tape2.rti
     3     Image   Available                       c:/temp/tape3.rti
     4     DAT     In error
    Enter LOCAL tape unit numbers for save, in sequence,
    separated by commas :

    Enter the numbers of the tape units in the required order, separated by commas.

  5. If you have selected Physical Save or FILE-SAVE/Physical Save from the Select backup method prompt and have specified more than one tape unit, you will be asked whether to save in parallel:

    Do you wish to save to the tape units in parallel (recommended) (y/n/q) ? :

    Enter y for parallel, n for serial or q to return to the Configuration and Setup menu.

    Saving in parallel can be much faster than the alternative (serial), because tlmenu will save simultaneously to all the tape units you have specified. In serial mode, tlmenu saves to one tape unit at a time ? it doesn?t move on to the next unit until the current unit is full.

  6. If you have selected Physical Save or FILE-SAVE/Physical Save from the Select backup method prompt, you will be asked for the path of a checkpoint file:

    Physical Save requires space to save copies of blocks dirtied
    during the save process.  These blocks can be copied within
    the database. However, unless the database is very quiet
    during this time, or the database is more than 30% free,
    it is recommended an alternate file is used for holding
    the copied blocks.
    Please enter path to checkpoint file if required :

    Enter the path of the required checkpoint file, or press RETURN to use the database?s free space table.

  7. If you have selected dbsave from the Select backup method prompt, you will be asked for the sizes of the tapes in the tape units you have specified:

    Please enter size of tape for each tape unit in Megabytes
    Size of tape for deck 1 :
    Size of tape for deck 2 :
    ... (etc.)

    Enter the size in Megabytes for each unit in turn. Then press RETURN to return to the Configuration and Setup menu.