Releases an item lock set by an F-UREAD command.
F-FREE {file-buffer-number {item-id}}
F-F {file-buffer-number {item-id}}
Syntax Elements
is the number of the file buffer to which the file was assigned by an
F-OPEN command. Valid numbers are 1 to 47, but note that 19 and 20
are reserved for system Procs.
file-buffer-number can be a direct or indirect file buffer reference.
item-id is the name of the item to be unlocked.
item-id can be the name of the item (not enclosed in quotes), or it can be a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register that contains the name of the item you want to unlock.
If file-buffer-number is not specified, F-FREE releases all item locks set by this Proc on the current port within the current context level.
If file-buffer-number and item-id are specified, then only the specified item is unlocked.
If file-buffer-number is specified and item-id is not, the item specified in attribute zero of the file buffer is unlocked.
Item locks are also released by F-WRITE, F-DELETE, or termination of the Proc.
The LIST-ITEM-LOCKS TCL command lists all items that are locked.
Unlocks the item specified by the item-id in attribute zero of file buffer 1 in the file defined by file buffer 1.
Unlocks all items presently locked by this Proc on this port.