Deletes an item from a file opened by an F-OPEN command.
F-DELETE file-buffer-number
F-D file-buffer-number
Syntax Elements
is the number of the file buffer to which the file was assigned. Valid numbers
are 1 to 47, but note that 19 and 20 are reserved for system Procs.
file-buffer-number can be a direct or indirect file buffer reference.
The F-DELETE command deletes the item specified in attribute zero (&f.0) from the specified file buffer in the previously opened file.
If the file has not been opened previously, execution of the Proc terminates with an error message.
If the item does not exist in that file, there is no change.
If an item lock has been set, F-DELETE releases it.
F-DELETE does not alter the contents of the file buffer.
There is no ELSE condition with the F-DELETE command.
When running this command, you need to be aware of the effects of any file triggers that might be run as consequence. See File Triggers for more information.
Deletes the item (item-id in &1.0) from the file defined by file buffer 1.