Reality Web Services


Set-up before installation

Before installing Reality Web Services, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of your JRE or JDK. For information on how to set JAVA_HOME, refer to Setting Environment Variables.



Before installing Reality Web Services, you must close down all other applications, including any anti-virus software.

  1. Log on to Windows as an administrator.

  2. Mount the Web Services ISO image/DVD deliverable as described in Accessing the ISO Deliverable. Run SETUP.EXE. Follow the prompts to install Reality Web Services.


    If you deselect the Jetty Container option, you will be prompted to enter the path to your web server.


  1. Log in using the root/superuser user-id.

  2. Confirm that the partition has enough space for the new release. You will need about 100Mb.

  3. Access the Web Services ISO image/DVD deliverable.

  4. Mount the ISO image/DVD as described in Accessing the ISO Deliverable.

  5. Change to the Unix directory by entering:

    #cd Unix
  6. Run the installation procedure by entering:


    Follow the prompts to install Reality Web Services.


    If you answer n when asked whether to use Jetty as your web server, you will be prompted to enter the path to your web server.

Set-up after installation

Jetty web server

To start and stop the Jetty web server, do the following:


To start Jetty, do the following:

  1. Log in using the root/superuser user-id.

  2. Enter the following:

    #cd /usr/northgateis/jetty5.1.4
    #java -jar start.jar

    To stop Jetty, enter the following:

    #cd /usr/northgateis/jetty5.1.4
    #java -jar stop.jar

Database configuration

Each database that will expose DataBasic subroutines must be set up as described in the topic Creating a Reality Web Service.