Entering the Editor: EDIT Command

Runs the Editor.

Command Class

TCL-II command.


ED{IT} file-specifier item-list {(options}

Syntax Elements

file-specifier Specifies the file containing the item or item-list.

item-list One or more item-ids separated by spaces, or an asterisk (*) to specify all items. The item-list should be omitted entirely if supplied by an immediately preceding SELECT or equivalent command.


A Turns on the assembly code formatting option. You can use the Editor command AS to toggle this option on and off from within the Editor.

B Displays an item in read-only mode. The B option neither observes nor sets item locks. This option is also called 'Browse'.

M Turns on the macro expansion formatting option. You can use the Editor command M to toggle this option on and off from within the Editor.

P Directs system output to the spooler.

Q Leaves the Editor prompt on screen between single-stepped attribute lines. For backwards compatibility. You can use the Editor command Q to toggle this option on and off from within the Editor.

U Selects case-sensitive text searching.

W Turns on the word wrap display formatting option. You can use the Editor command WR to toggle this option on and off from within the Editor.

Y Selects case-insensitive text searching.

Z Suppresses the Top  message. This is useful when the Editor is called from a Proc.


Using an Item List

If multiple item-ids are specified, the name of the first item specified is displayed. When the Editor session is terminated with FI (File), FD (File Delete), or EX (Exit), the Editor automatically displays the next item for editing. However, if the commands FIK, FDK or EXK are used, any remaining items are not processed and you are returned to TCL (or the program from which the session was initiated).

Message at Top of Item

When the Editor is entered, the following message and prompt are displayed:


The Top message is also displayed when you use a command that returns you to the start of the item; for example, F (Flip) and T (Top).

If you use the Z option when you invoke the Editor, the Top  message is suppressed.

Line Pointer for New Items

If you edit a new item, the message New item  is displayed and the current line pointer is set to the top of the item. The Editor then waits for a command to be issued to it. The period prompt character (.) indicates that an Editor command can be entered.

Line Pointer for Existing Items

If you edit an existing item, the current line pointer is set to the top of the item and the Editor waits for a command to be issued. The period prompt character (.) indicates that an Editor command can be entered.

Editing Item Lists: EDIT-LIST Command

If you need to create, merge, modify and delete and item list saved in POINTER-FILEClosed A file that holds saved item lists and cataloged DataBasic programs. A global POINTER-FILE is held in the SYSFILES account, with each account normally having a Q-pointer to this file. If preferred, this Q-pointer can be replaced with a local file to hold saved item lists; cataloged DataBasic programs remain in the global POINTER-FILE.  use the EDIT-LIST command. This provides the same editing commands as the line editor.

Case Sensitivity

If neither U nor Y is specified, the current data case setting (set with the DATA.CC environment option or the CASE TCL command) is used. See Search Strings for more details.

If both U and Y are specified an error message is displayed and you are returned to TCL.


Examples of using EDIT are given below.


EDIT command.
Top  message from Editor.
User types any Editor command here.

New item

EDIT command (specifies dictionary section) with Z option to suppress Top  message.
This message specifies that PRO is a new item.
User types any Editor command here.

:ED F1 I1 I2
'I1' exited from file 'F1'
New item
'I2' exited from file 'F1'

EDIT command with multiple item-ids.
Item I1 is edited first.

EX command exits the Editor.

Editor automatically re-entered.
Indicates that I2 is a new item.

Exit command.

Return to TCL.