EX - Exit

Terminates the Editor session and returns control to TCL. The item being edited is not updated to the disk.



Syntax Elements

K indicates that you wish to terminate the item list.

O indicates that you wish to suppress the double check message.

Double Check Message

If changes are made during the editing session, the following prompt is displayed:


To exit the Editor without updating the item, type Y  and press RETURN.

To cancel the EX command (retain Editor control), press RETURN only, or type N  and press RETURN.

To exit the Editor without updating the item and to suppress this message, use the O parameter.

This message does not display if the Editor is invoked by the Proc processor.

Exiting Message

If no changes are made during the editing session, the following message is displayed when you exit the Editor:

'item-id' exited from file 'file-name'.

Effect of Invoking EX when Editing an Item List

If multiple items are specified in the EDIT command at TCL, any of the commands that ordinarily return control to TCL instead retain control for the Editor so that the remaining items can be edited.

To terminate a multiple item editing session before you edit the last item in the list, use the EXK command.

Example - EX

002 12121212
EOI 002
'ABC' exited from file 'AFILE'.


Edit item ABC in theAFILE file.

Contents of item ABC.

Exit Editor. Do not file ABC.

Control returns to TCL.

Example - EXK

:ED INVENTORY 25-13425-13525-136
001 AAA
002 BBB
003 CCC
004 DDD
005 EEE
EOI 005
'25-134' exited from file 'INVENTORY'


Edit item 25-134 in the INVENTORY file.

Exit from the item and from the item list.

Control returns to TCL.