Summary of Editor Messages

This topic lists the system and error messages displayed by the Editor and explains what they mean.

Editor Message


AS off

Assembler format is toggled OFF.

AS on

Assembler format is toggled ON.


You have issued an illegal Editor command.


The line pointer is pointing to the end of the item. n indicates the number of the last line in the item.

-FD? Sure (Y/N)?

The Editor processor recognizes that you have requested that an item be deleted. To provide a safeguard, it prompts you to enter Y  to delete the item or N  to retain it.

File does not exist!

The file you have attempted to write an item into or merge lines into doesn't exist in your account.

Hex off

Hexadecimal format is toggled OFF.

Hex on

Hexadecimal format is toggled ON.

Hex string error

You have specified an uneven number of characters while in hexadecimal input mode.

All hexadecimal numbers must be two digits in length (always 0A, never A, for example).

Insufficient workspace

You have attempted to edit an item that is larger than your allotted workspace.  Increase the size of your workspace.

Item exists!

You have attempted to write an item into a different file under an item-id that already exists in that target file. 

If you want to do this, use the FIO or FSO command

Item has changed since entry Continue (Y/N)

You have attempted to exit an item that you have made changes to duringthe editing session. Enter Y to exit the Editor without filing the changes or N  to remain in the Editor.

Item is locked by port n
Continue (Y/N):

The item you have requested to EDIT is being edited on another port. Enter Y  to continue; otherwise, type N.  If you enter Y, the Editor also displays a message to the user on port n.  If you wish to examine the item in read only mode, enter N - the message NO UPDATES WILL BE ALLOWED!  is displayed.

Item is not locked by your port. No updates will be allowed!

You have attempted to update an item locked by another process, or you have attempted to update an item while in browse mode.  Your update request is not honored.

Item lock released. No updates will be allowed!

The lock on this item set by your process has been released.

Item size: 'n'

The current item is n bytes in size.

Macro off

The macro expansion format is OFF.

Macro on

The macro expansion format is ON.

New item

The item you have selected to edit does not exist. You are creating a new item.

not on file

The item specified in the ME (Merge) command does not exist.


The prestore specified by the PD (Prestore display) or ?P command is unallocated (there is no command sequence for that particular prestore).

Object off

The object code format is OFF.

Object on

The object code format is ON.

PP off

The print prestore format is OFF.

PP on The print prestore format is ON.

Prestore command stack overflow

The limit on prestores calling other prestores is 80 levels.  This message indicates that you have exceeded that depth.

Release item lock (Y/N)

You have used the K (Unlock Item) command to request release of the item lock currently set. Enter Y to release the lock. Note that once the lock is released, updates already made to the item can not be filed.


You have attempted an out-of-sequence update. You cannot EDIT lines in any sequence other than ascending line number until you issue an F (Flip) command. You need not issue an F to make multiple updates to a single line.


You have not issued a required string specification. For example:


does not specify a replacement string.  Specification of a null string requires a second / delimiter.

Other examples include omitting a required string for ME, omitting string2 for an R (Replace) or RU, or an illegal numeric parameter specification that causes part of the numeric parameter to look like a string.

Suppress off

Line number display suppression is turned OFF.

Suppress on

Line number display suppression is turned ON.


The line pointer is pointing to the beginning of the item.

Wrap off

The line wrap format in AS mode is OFF.

Wrap on

The line wrap format in AS mode is ON.

^ off

The "match any character" function of the caret command is turned OFF. This allows you to search for the literal character ^ (X'5E').

^ on

The "match any character" function of the caret command is ON.

'item-id' deleted from file 'file-name'

The specified item was deleted by means of the FD (File Delete) or FDK command.

'item-id' exited from file 'file-name'

The Editor was exited by means of the EX (Exit) or EXK command.

'item-id' filed in file 'file-name'

The specified item was marked as write required by means of the FI (File) or FIK commands, and will be written to the disk file.