Using TIPH

This topic provides an explanation of how and when to use the Terminal Independent Process Handler (TIPH). The following TCL commands are described:

PH-ALLOCATE Allocates a port as a TIPH port.

PH-DELETE Deletes a port allocated as a TIPH port.

PH-KILL Logs off a specified TIPH process.

PH-LINES Displays all ports available for TIPH processes.

PH-START Starts a TIPH process.

PH-STATUS Displays the status of all TIPH processes.


A process on Reality is defined as the session that occurs between logging on and logging off. Each process on Reality is associated with a line (port) and normally, each line is associated with a terminal. The TIPH, however, initiates a process on a line that does not require an associated terminal.

A TIPH process can be executed for tasks that do not require continuing responses, such as a report or compilation of a DataBasic program. TIPH increases the efficiency of your system by freeing the terminals for interaction with users.

TIPH Output

A TIPH process, also referred to as a 'phantom' process, is similar to any other process, except that it does not need to be associated with a terminal. Any output that normally goes to the terminal, such as error messages and log on and log off messages, can be placed in a Spooler hold file.

TIPH Input

You cannot type directly from a terminal to a TIPH process. Instead, PH-START prompts for input and enables you to enter the list of commands to the TIPH process that you would normally enter at TCL for a foreground process.


One of the files that comes with your system is the PH-HISTORY file (PHantom History) file. Reality records all the information concerning each TIPH process in this file (the topic SYSFILES Account describes the format of this information).

PH-HISTORY file information is not deleted automatically, so you will need to clear the data portion of the file occasionally. When you clear the PH-HISTORY file, the data on the PH-STATUS screen shows no items.

To clear the PH-HISTORY file, use the CLEAR-FILE command. For example:


This example clears the data portion of the PH-HISTORY file.