Displays the current status of each tape unit configured on the system (including remote tape units).
Command Class
TCL-I command.
T-STATUS {(options}
Dn Deletes tape device number n from the normal T-STATUS display.
En Enables tape device number n for normal display after using the D option.
V Displays the tape device or path.
T-STATUS reports the following information:
- Unit number.
- Unit type.
- Status of unit.
- Number of port to which assigned, if any.
- Identity of channel used by the unit (% represents the default channel).
- Tape block size assigned to the unit.
- Tape density assigned to the unit.
- Reel number.
Tape Unit Status
Unit Type Status Port Channel Assigned Assigned Buffs Reel
number number name blocksize density
1 8mm Available - -
2 Quart Assigned 401 % 31744 1600 2 1
Shows that there are two tape units configured. Unit 1 is an 8mm tape unit and is available for use, and unit 2 is quarter inch and has been assigned to port number 401 using the default channel.
Tape Unit Status
Unit Type Status Port Channel Device
number number name
1 DAT Available /dev/nst0
2 Image Assigned 401 A /home/pshipman/rtape2.rti
3 Remote Available PAULSPC;C:\temp\rtape1.rti;9
Shows that there are three tape units configured.
- Unit 1 is a DAT tape unit and is available for use.
- Unit 2 is the tape image /home/paul/rtape2.rti and has been assigned to port number 401 using channel A.
- Unit 3 is a remote tape unit associated with the tape image C:\temp\rtape1.rti on the system PAULSPC and is available for use.