SPOOL.JOBS Dictionary Items
This topic contains a list of data definition items held in the SPOOL.JOBS dictionary. They are used by English Query Language to display a report of print jobs in the SPOOL.JOBS file. These items must be copied into the dictionary of any user-specified job file in order to be able to display reports of print jobs in that file.
List of Dictionary Items
PF.ACC Name of the account the job was created on.
PF.DSP.STAT Despooler status.
PF.OUT.STAT Current output status.
PF.QUEUE Item-id of the current form queue for this job.
PF.PRNTD.STAT Printed Status.
PF.PRT.STAT Output Status.
PF.STAT Current job status.
PF.STATUS If there is output status (that is, PF.OUT.STAT has a value), this is the current output status; otherwise it is the current job status (PF.STAT).
A macro to list jobs in descending order by status (PF.STATUS), by ascending
queue name (PF.QUEUE), and by ascending job-id (JOB.ID).
PJC.DSP.NAME Name of Despooler despooling job.
PJC.OUT.STAT Current output status of job.
PJC.QUEUE Name of formqueue containing job
PJC.SIZE Size of job in bytes.
PJC.STAT Current job status.