Action Code 10 Top Priority and SP-PRIORITY

Moves a print job to the top of its formqueue.


JOB #:

TCL syntax

SP-PRIORITY {job-file} job-id {(options}}

Prompt/Syntax elements

job-id (JOB #) The number of the print job to move to the top of the formqueue.

job-file Specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.


F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.

U Determines the job file of the print job job-id from the PRINT.JOB.CONTROL item. This means that you can move any print job without knowing its job file.


Only job-ids of print jobs in the specified job file are recognised and moved. The specified job file must be local.


To move print job 9 to the top of the formqueue, enter:


Alternatively, enter:


then select Action Code 10 on the Print Jobs screen.

At the next prompt enter the job number as follows:

Job Id - 9