Action Code 2 Switch One Job and SP-SWITCH
Moves a specified list of print jobs to a different formqueue.
To-Form-Queue Job List -
TCL syntax
SP-SWITCH {job-file} new-form-queue job-list (options
Prompt/Syntax elements
new-form-queue (To-Form-Queue
is the name of the destination formqueue.
job-list (Job List
is the list of print jobs to be moved. Job ids must be separated by a space or a comma. This can also be a SELECT list of jobs in the specified job file.
job-file specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.
F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.
U Determines the job file of each print job in job-list from their PRINT.JOB.CONTROL items. This means that all print jobs in job-list are moved irrespective of the job file they are in.
A print job currently being despooled cannot be moved. It must first be suspended using Action Code 9 or the SP-SUSPEND command. After suspending and moving a print job, the Spooler resumes printing from the beginning of the job.
Specified job file
Only print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised and moved, unless the U option is used. The specified job file must be local. Any attempt to move print jobs residing in another job file (without the U option) will result in an error message. See also the topic Specified Job File.
The print job control item is changed, but the actual print data does not move. It remains in the same job file. To move the print data to a different file you must use the SP-COPY command.
Example 1
To move three print jobs 1, 7, and 12 to a queue called LABELS, enter:
or, alternatively enter:
then select Action Code 2 on the Print Jobs screen. At the next two prompts, enter the destination queue name and list of jobs to be moved, as follows:
To-Form-Queue LABELS
Job List -1 7 12