Action Code 19 Re-queue Hold File and SP-QUEUEHOLD

Allows a print job that is on hold (print hold file) to be queued for subsequent printing.


Job List -

TCL syntax

SP-QUEUEHOLD {job-file} {job-list} {(options}

Prompt/Syntax elements

job-list (Job List -)
A list containing the job-ids of the print jobs that you wish to re-queue. Items in the must be separated by spaces or commas. If you do not specify any job-ids, you will be prompted for this information.

job-file Specifies the job file containing the print jobs that you wish to re-queue. If you specify a job-file you must also use the F  option.

Only job-ids of print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised. The specified job file must be local.


F Specifies that the first parameter following the verb is a job file.