Action Code 4 Change #Copies and SP-COPIES
Changes the number of copies of a job to be printed.
Job Id - Copies:
TCL syntax
SP-COPIES {job-file} job-id copies {(options}
Prompt/Syntax elements
job-id (Job Id
) is the identity of the print job for which the number of copies is to be changed.
copies (Copies
) is the number of copies of the print job that you want to print. This can be from 1 to 99 (default is 1).
job-file specifies the job file to be used for the duration of the command execution. If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.
F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.
Only print jobs with status 'Queued', 'Hold' or 'Finished' status can have their number of copies changed.
The number of copies is ignored when de-spooling to a file; in this case only one copy is produced.
Specified job file
Only job-ids of print jobs in the currently specified job file are recognised and number of copies changed. The specified job file must be local.
To change the number of copies of print job number 5 to 3, enter:
Alternatively, enter:
then select Action Code 4 on the Print Jobs screen. At the next prompt, enter the job number and number of copies required, as follows:
Job Id -5