SP-FIX - Cleaning Up Print Jobs After a Program Crash

Cleans up print jobs left in an inconsistent state due to a program crash.


SP-FIX {job-file}[ job-list || formqueue-list]{ (options}

Prompt/Syntax Elements

job-file is the name of the job file containing the print jobs in job-list.  If you specify job-file you must also use the F option.

(Job List)

is the identity of the print jobs(s) you wish to check/fix. Job-ids should be separated by spaces or commas. This can also be a SELECT list of job-ids from a job file.

formqueue-list is one or more formqueues, the queued print jobs of which you wish to check/fix. Formqueues should be separated by spaces or commas. This can also be a SELECT list of formqueue names. The Q option must be specified.


D Deletes inconsistent print jobs.

F Specifies that the first parameter after the verb is the required job file.

Q Specifies the command parameters or SELECT list to be formqueue names.

R Generates a report of inconsistent print jobs.

S Re-queues inconsistent print jobs, if possible.


Options D and S are incompatible.


SP-FIX prompts for each print job found in an inconsistent state. For example, a job may still have been open or printing when the program crashed. SP-FIX gives you the option of re-queuing the print job, deleting it or leaving it unchanged, unless you use the D or S option, in which case the requested operation will be carried out automatically.


Possible messages prompts are:

Job Id - n is currently open, enter P:rint D:elete or <RETURN>
Job Id - n is currently being printed, enter P:rint D:elete or <RETURN>
Job Id - n is currently edited, enter P:rint D:elete or <RETURN>


To clean up print jobs 3, 7, 12 and 14 in the job file ADMIN.JOBS, enter:

SP-FIX ADMIN.JOBS 3 7 12 14 (F

You are then prompted for the first print job id 3. For example:

Job Id - 3 is currently open, enter P:rint D:elete or <RETURN>

Enter P  or D, or press return, according to what you want to do with the job.