RESET.DESPOOLER - Resetting the Despooler System

Resets the despooler system.


RESET.DESPOOLER {despooler-name} {(options}

Syntax Element

despooler-name The name of a single despooler to be reset.

If omitted, all despoolers are reset.


D Maintains a list of currently active despoolers and restarts them.

R Re-attempts to start despoolers which failed to start when RESET.DESPOOLER (D was executed. Hence, this option is always used after the D option has been used. Only failed despoolers are affected. No other Spooler structures are affected.

S Spools active or suspended print jobs. Any jobs which are flagged as 'printing' or 'suspended' are re-queued on their original formqueue. Normally jobs in these states would be flagged as 'killed'.


Normally RESET.DESPOOLER is run by the system administrator as part of system startup.


RESET.DESPOOLER must not be executed if there are any active despoolers or open print jobs in the Spooler system. Use of RESET.DESPOOLER while a despooler is active or a print job is open will cause data corruption within the system.

RESET.DESPOOLER looks at the status of all despoolers and print jobs and tidies them up: