Sorts all item-ids in a specified file in ASCII character order and displays them in two-, three- or four-column format, respectively.
Command Class
SORT2 file-specifier {(options}
SORT3 file-specifier {(options}
SORT4 file-specifier {(options}
Syntax Elements
file-specifier is the file containing the items to be sorted.
P Printer. Sends the sorted list of items to the printer assigned to this port.
N Nopage. Suppress automatic paging. Can be used instead of the NOPAGE modifier.
If you do not specify a file in the TCL statement, the command prompts you for one.
File name=MD
The command clears the screen and displays a listing similar to that shown below:
Items in file MD as of 07:52:04 22 JUL 1999 Page 1 # #DICTIONARY #ENTER-SCREEN $STAT-FILE*6 & *1 *2 *3 *A0 *A1 *A10 *A11 *A12 *A13 *A2 *A3 *A4 *A5 *A6 *A7 *A8 *A9 *A9998 *A9999 *SEQ *SIZE - 002 02 03 1 10 11 111 1600-COLDDUMP 1600-CONVERT 2780-VERBS 3 4 5 512K 6 6741 6742 :ABS/FILES :ABSLOAD :CA1 :DEL