Lists all indexes for a file, data section or account. The indexes are verified against their definition items; indexes without definitions or with damaged or inconsistent definitions are identified.

Command Class

TCL-I command.


LIST-INDEXES {[/account | file-specifier]} {(options}

Syntax Elements

file-specifier Specifies a file or data section (see General Conventions).

  • A filename alone specifies the default data section of the file.
  • To specify all the data sections in the file, include the DICT modifier.

/account Specifies the name of an account. All the indexes in that account (and the files and data sections containing them) are listed.

The default, if neither an account nor a file-specifier is included, is the current account.


T Tidy - remove empty index nodes.

Indexing on "rolling" values (for example, where item-ids include the current date) can generate index nodes that are only used temporarily; these are normally removed automatically when no longer needed, but under some circumstances may remain in the index, thus impairing index efficiency. The T option allows you to clean up the index by forcing the removal of these nodes.


  • If LIST-INDEXES removes any empty nodes from an index, it reports the number removed.
  • A single use of LIST-INDEXES with the T option may not remove all the empty nodes, so you may need to repeat the command.

W Report any index definitions without corresponding indexes.


Indexes in 'SQLEMP'                                                Page 1
Index name            Status  Definition
BYCOMM                  ok    BY COMM
EMP.DX                  ok    SQL CREATE INDEX DX ON EMP(DEPTNO) 
EMP.NX                  ok    SQL CREATE INDEX NX ON EMP(ENAME) 
3 indexes listed, 0 errors found

Lists the indexes in file SQLEMP. No errors were found.

Indexes in 'BAD'                                                   Page 1
Index name            Status  Definition
X1                      ok    BY *A1
X2                     Error - Index definition item does not match index
X3                     Error - Index definition item damaged
X4                     Error - Index definition item missing
4 indexes listed, 3 errors found

Lists the indexes in file BAD. Three errors were found.

Indexes in 'BAD'                                                   Page 1
Index name            Status  Definition
X1                      ok    BY *A1
X2                     Error - Index definition item does not match index
X3                     Error - Index definition item damaged
X4                     Error - Index definition item missing
X5                     Warning - No index for this definition item
5 indexes listed, 4 errors found

Lists the indexes in file BAD, including index definition items for which there are no indexes. Three errors were found, and one index definition item with no index.

Indexes in 'EXP'                                                     Page 1
Index name                Status  Definition
1                           ok    Implicit index, BY 1
2                           ok    Implicit index, BY 2
BYA1                        ok    Explicit index, BY 1
BYA1N                       ok    Explicit index, BY 1 (N
BYA1U                     Error - Definition of Explicit index, BY 1 (U, has
                          been altered since index created.
IID                         ok    Implicit IID index, IID (I
LEVEL                       ok    Implicit index, BY LEVEL
S                           ok    Implicit index, BY-DSND S
X                         Error - Definition of Implicit index, BY X (U, has
                          been altered since index created.
IND1                      Error - [1298] Invalid Index.
[2101] 10 indexes, 3 errors.

Lists the indexes in file EMP. The file contains a mixture of indexes created from index definitions (explicit indexes), from data definition items (implicit indexes) and from the item-id (Implicit IID index). Three errors were found.

Note that indexes marked as invalid (IND1 in the above example) must be deleted, and recreated if required.