Lists all indexes for a file, data section or account. The indexes are verified against their definition items; indexes without definitions or with damaged or inconsistent definitions are identified.
Command Class
TCL-I command.
LIST-INDEXES {[/account | file-specifier]} {(options}
Syntax Elements
file-specifier Specifies a file or data section (see General Conventions).
- A filename alone specifies the default data section of the file.
- To specify all the data sections in the file, include the DICT modifier.
/account Specifies the name of an account. All the indexes in that account (and the files and data sections containing them) are listed.
The default, if neither an account nor a file-specifier is included, is the current account.
T Tidy - remove empty index nodes.
Indexing on "rolling" values (for example, where item-ids include the current date) can generate index nodes that are only used temporarily; these are normally removed automatically when no longer needed, but under some circumstances may remain in the index, thus impairing index efficiency. The T option allows you to clean up the index by forcing the removal of these nodes.
- If LIST-INDEXES removes any empty nodes from an index, it reports the number removed.
- A single use of LIST-INDEXES with the T option may not remove all the empty nodes, so you may need to repeat the command.
W Report any index definitions without corresponding indexes.
:LIST-INDEXES SQLEMP Indexes in 'SQLEMP' Page 1 Index name Status Definition BYCOMM ok BY COMM EMP.DX ok SQL CREATE INDEX DX ON EMP(DEPTNO) EMP.NX ok SQL CREATE INDEX NX ON EMP(ENAME) 3 indexes listed, 0 errors found
Lists the indexes in file SQLEMP. No errors were found.
:LIST-INDEXES BAD Indexes in 'BAD' Page 1 Index name Status Definition X1 ok BY *A1 X2 Error - Index definition item does not match index X3 Error - Index definition item damaged X4 Error - Index definition item missing 4 indexes listed, 3 errors found
Lists the indexes in file BAD. Three errors were found.
:LIST-INDEXES BAD (W) Indexes in 'BAD' Page 1 Index name Status Definition X1 ok BY *A1 X2 Error - Index definition item does not match index X3 Error - Index definition item damaged X4 Error - Index definition item missing X5 Warning - No index for this definition item 5 indexes listed, 4 errors found
Lists the indexes in file BAD, including index definition items for which there are no indexes. Three errors were found, and one index definition item with no index.
:LIST-INDEXES EXP Indexes in 'EXP' Page 1 Index name Status Definition 1 ok Implicit index, BY 1 2 ok Implicit index, BY 2 BYA1 ok Explicit index, BY 1 BYA1N ok Explicit index, BY 1 (N BYA1U Error - Definition of Explicit index, BY 1 (U, has been altered since index created. IID ok Implicit IID index, IID (I LEVEL ok Implicit index, BY LEVEL S ok Implicit index, BY-DSND S X Error - Definition of Implicit index, BY X (U, has been altered since index created. IND1 Error - [1298] Invalid Index. [2101] 10 indexes, 3 errors.
Lists the indexes in file EMP. The file
contains a mixture of indexes created from index definitions (explicit
Note that indexes marked as invalid (IND1 in the above example) must be deleted, and recreated if required.