Produces hashing statistics and optionally a histogram for a specified file based on a user-specified test modulo.
ISTAT is a similar command that provides hashing statistics for items in a selected file.
Command class
English command.
HASH-TEST file-specifier {item-list} {selection-criteria} {(options}
Syntax elements
file-specifier The file for which you want statistics.
item-list A list of items for which statistics are required (see Item Lists). This can be provided by a list-generating command executed immediately before HASH-TEST.
selection-criteria Item selection criteria. These can limit the items for which statistics are provided.
modulo The test modulo value for which the file statistics are required.
H Displays a histogram.
N Removes automatic paging of output to terminal.
P Sends output to printer.
HASH-TEST can be used to predict the group that a particular item resides in and the distribution of data within the file for a test modulo value. This information is useful when you are trying resize files. 'IND.' in the report stands for 'indirect', meaning out-of-group.
Refer to the ISTAT command for a description of the information displayed by HASH-TEST.
HASH-TEST ACCPAY (H TEST MODULO:17 FILE: ACCPAY MOD: 19 SEP: 1 IIDs: Sensitive 12:52:16 30 Jun 2009 BYTES ITMS 537 8 *>>>>>>>> 761 5 *>>>>> 65 3 *>>> 217 4 *>>>> 265 5 *>>>>> 665 11 *>>>>>>>>>>> 73 4 *>>>> 1033 9 *>>>>>>>>> 665 8 *>>>>>>>> 473 8 *>>>>>>>> 161 8 *>>>>>>>> 625 10 *>>>>>>>>>> 665 5 *>>>>> 473 8 *>>>>>>>> 793 8 *>>>>>>>> 65 3 *>>> 609 5 *>>>>> Item count= 112, byte count= 8128, avg. bytes/item= 72.5 avg. item/group= 6.5, std. deviation= 2.4, avg. bytes/group= 478.1 frames in use= 18, sec. framesS= 1, empty groups= 1 ind. items= 12, ind. frames= 14