Compares selected items, in the same or different files, to determine the exact number and types of mismatches.

Command Class

TCL-II command.


COMP file-specifier1 item-list1 {(options}
(file-specifier2} {item-list2}

Syntax Elements

file-specifier1 Specifies a file containing the items to be compared.

item-list1 Specifies the items in file-specifier1 to be compared. This can be one or more item-ids separated by spaces, a list generated by a list-generating command such as SELECT, or an asterisk (*) to specify all items.

file-specifier2 Specifies a different file containing the items to be compared with the items in file-specifier1.

file-specifier2 need not be entered if the items to be compared are in file-specifier1.

item-list2 Specifies the Items in file-specifier2 to be compared with items in file-specifier1. This can be one or more item-ids separated by spaces or an asterisk (*) to specify all items.

item-list2 need not be specified if it is identical to item-list1.


n Integer. Overrides the default parameter of 20 lines to search forward when trying to realign items after a misalignment has been detected. This is useful when large blocks have been inserted into or deleted from the items being compared.

A Prints all lines within the compared items. Also prints all inserted, deleted, and mismatched lines.

B Forces a page break between items.

C Suppresses comparison of DataBasic source code comment lines.

E Suppresses comparison of end of line comments in REAL assembly language source code items. (Must be used with the M option.)

I Selects item-ids for display.

M Compares items in REAL assembly language macro option format.

N Specifies the NOPAGE feature for screen listings.

P Sends all output to the printer assigned to your port.

S Suppresses the listing of item-ids of matching items.

W Formats terminal listings so that lines exceeding the specified number of display columns for a particular monitor wrap rather than truncate.

The default truncates the line at the field boundary.


All lines that do not compare are displayed on the report under one of three categories, identified by a single letter:

D Deleted from the original item.

I Inserted into the second item in the comparison.

C Changed between the two items.

The COMP command automatically realigns items within the item-list.


This example use files BP and BP1 listed below.

PAGE 1       COMPARISON           12:53:35   23 FEB 1999
  BP TEST1                          BP1 TEST1
C   1 HHH                         C   1 AAA
C   2 GGG                         C   2 BBB
C   3 FFF                         C   3 CCC
C   4 EEE                         C   4 DDD
  BP TEST2                        BP1 TEST2
C   1 BBB                         C   1 GGG
C   2 CCC                         C   2 FFF
                                  I   3 EEE
D   4 EEE
  BP TEST3                        BP1 TEST3
                                  I   1 FFF
                                  I   2 EEE
                                  I   3 DDD
D   2 DDD
D   3 EEE
D   4 FFF
  BP TEST4                         BP1 TEST4
                                   I   1 EEE
C   2 EEE                          C   3 CCC
C   3 FFF                          C   4 BBB
D   4 GGG
  BP TEST5                          BP1 TEST5
C   1 EEE                           C   1 DDD
C   2 FFF                           C   2 CCC
C   3 GGG                           C   3 BBB
C   4 HHH                           C   4 AAA
  BP TEST6                          BP1 TEST6
BP                                  BP1
TEST1                               TEST1
001 HHH                             001 AAA
002 GGG                             002 BBB
003 FFF                             003 CCC
004 EEE                             004 DDD
TEST2                               TEST2
001 BBB                             001 GGG
002 CCC                             002 FFF
003 DDD                             003 EEE
004 EEE                             004 DDD
TEST3                               TEST3
001 CCC                             001 FFF
002 DDD                             002 EEE
003 EEE                             003 DDD
004 FFF                             004 CCC
TEST4                               TEST4
001 DDD                             001 EEE
002 EEE                             002 DDD
003 FFF                             003 CCC
004 GGG                             004 BBB
TEST5                               TEST5
001 EEE                             001 DDD
002 FFF                             002 CCC
003 GGG                             003 BBB
004 HHH                             004 AAA
TEST6                               TEST6
001 AAA                             001 AAA
002 BBB                             002 BBB
003 CCC                             003 CCC
004 DDD                             004 DDD