TCL Macros
TCL macros allow users to perform simple batch tasks formed by combining TCL commands.
Types of Macro
Four types of macro are available: N (now) and M (modify) types, S-type sentences and TCL menus.
N- and M-types
These allow the execution of a sequence of TCL commands. M-type differs from N-type in that each command is presented to the user for editing before execution.
Refer to Command Definition Items for the format of an N- or M-type macro.
- M-type macros use a reduced set of Editor commands. Press RETURN when prompted to execute the current command.
- When run, parameters and TCL options supplied on the command line are applied to the first command in the macro in addition to any specified in the macro.
Banner 001 N 002 COMMENT (-1)(x7)(Logged on at: )+ 003 TIME 004 COMMENT (port usr A/c of )+ 005 WHO 006 COMMENT (Printer )+ 007 SP-ASSIGN ?
The above clears the screen, sounds the bell and then displays (for example):
Logged on at: 08:27:24 24 Jun 2008 Tuesday port usr A/c of 1 dm adt Printer Line# Status Copies Form# Device 1 p 1 0
S-type Sentences
These are similar to N-type macros, but provide additional capabilities. In their simplest form, they are identical to N-type macros, but in addition they support the use of secondary commands (for example, SELECT followed by a command to process the selected items). Various item formats are supported, for compatibility with other MultiValue systems.
Refer to Command Definition Items for the format of an S-type sentence.
When run, parameters and TCL options supplied on the command line are applied to the first command in the macro in addition to any specified in the macro.
TCL Menus
This type of macro presents a list of options to the user and then runs the TCL command associated with the selected option.
Refer to Command Definition Items for the format of a TCL menu.
Using a Menu
When the user runs a TCL menu, the screen is cleared and the menu items are displayed in columns across the screen, with the number columns determined by the screen width and the length of the longest item text. Each menu item is given a number.
The layout of the menu on the screen is different to that on some other MultiValue systems.
The user is then prompted:
"Enter menu selection (append '?' for Info), TCL command, or <CR> to exit:"
If there are more items than can be displayed on the screen, the prompt is:
Enter menu selection (append '?' for Info), TCL command, or <CR> for more.
The user can then enter the following:
- An item number, to run the command associated with that item. On completion, the text Hit any key to return to the Menu. is displayed; when the user does this, the menu is redisplayed.
- An item number followed by a question mark (for example,
), to display the help text for that item. - Any TCL command.
- RETURN to return to the TCL prompt.
MENU1 001 ME This is an immediate comment! 002 This is the MENU title 003 Time nowvmtime?vmTIME 004 Database space usagevmSpace leftvmPOVF 005 List Menusvmdisplay list of MD menusvmSSELECT MD WITH A1 = "ME]"vmLIST MD 006 Whovmlist uservmWHO
When run, this TCL menu displays the following:
This is the MENU1 title
1) Time now 2) Database space usage 3) List Menus
4) Who
Enter menu selection (append '?' for Info), TCL command, or <CR> to exit:
If the user enters 1
at the prompt, the time
is displayed; for example:
15:26:15 30 Jul 2008
Hit any key to return to the Menu.
When the user presses a key, the menu is redisplayed.
Creating Macros
Macros are items in the MD of an account. You can create them with any of the Reality editors, or by using the .C TCL Stacker command to save commands from the stack as an S-type sentence. If a different type of macro is required, you must use one of the editors to modify the saved item.
Macro Commands
You can include the following special commands in your macros:
DISPLAY command This displays a message to the user. The message can include literal text, the output of one or more TCL commands and various control sequences. An option allows the user to specify which MultiValue video codes are used (to simplify migration).
This command can also be used in Procs.
PROMPT command
displays a message to the user in the same way as the DISPLAY
statement, but it then waits for the user to enter C
(continue) or
(quit). If Q
is entered, none of the subsequent
commands are executed.
COMMENT command
provides similar functionality to the DISPLAY statement, but uses a
different syntax.
REM command This allows remarks to be inserted into macros. All text which follows, up to the end of the line, is ignored.
Executing Macros
You can run a macro of any type from the TCL command line. In addition, you can load an S-type macro onto the TCL stack using the .X TCL Stacker command and execute the commands it contains from there. This is intended primarily for executing macros that were saved from the stack; any secondary input will be ignored.