Character-oriented Item

A character-oriented item is one that contains a string of ASCII characters of variable-length, separated into variable-length fields by system delimiter characters called attribute marks, value marks and subvalue marks.


The item body of ASCII data is divided by attribute marks into any number of variable-length fields called attributes. An attribute mark is represented on the screen by a caret (^). It has the value 254 (X'FE') and is entered at the keyboard by pressing ctrl+^.

Attribute Numbering

Attributes are referenced by numbers. The item-id is defined as attribute 0. Attributes are then numbered in sequence according to the attribute mark they follow. Attribute 1 follows the first attribute mark (after the item-id). Attribute 2 follows the second attribute mark (after attribute 1), and so on. This number is called the Attribute Mark Count (AMC).

Null Attributes

If there is no value for a particular attribute, Reality indicates a null value by inserting an attribute mark, and nothing else, after the previous attribute (^^).


An attribute can be divided by value marks into any number of variable-length subfields called values. A value mark is represented on the screen by a right-hand bracket (]). It has the value 253 (X'FD') and is entered at the keyboard by pressing ctrl+].

The first value after the attribute mark is value 1, the next value after the first value mark is value 2, and so on. If there is no data preceding a value mark, for example, ^]  or ]], the value is null.


A value can be divided by subvalue marks into any number of variable-length subfields called subvalues. A subvalue mark is represented on the screen by a backslash (\). It has the value 252 (X'FC') and is entered at the keyboard by pressing ctrl+\.

The first subvalue after a value mark is subvalue 1, the next subvalue after the first subvalue mark is subvalue 2, and so on. If there is no data preceding a subvalue mark, for example, ]\  or \\, the subvalue is null.

Example of Character-oriented Item

119^7188^Scott^Barry R.^90 Alpine Drive^Harrison^CT^
66344^USA^^2]15]13 ^7188]7188]7188^56]23.98]17.95^

This example has the following attributes:

    119      (item-id)
001 7188
002 Scott
003 Barry R.
004 90 Alpine St.
005 Harrison
006 CT
007 66344
008 USA
009 (null)
010 2]15]13
011 7188]7188]7188
012 56]23.98]17.95