Displays a summary of Reality, followed by a summary of the host operating system using native OS commands. The appearance is therefore slightly different on Windows and UNIX.


WHAT {(options}


By default, WHAT pages its output to the screen. The following options are available:

N Disables paging of screen output.

P Sends the output to the printer.


Made available in the SYSMAN and SYSPROG accounts, but may be copied to user accounts.



The following display is typical for a Reality 15.0 database on Windows XP.

OS type:                   WINDOWS
Time/Date:                 17:25:20  09 Nov 2012
Reality release:           15.0
Serial number:             900050
Max Reality processes:     140
Database name:             sqldb
Database type:             Partition
Frame size:                4096
Reality user ID:           SYSMAN
PLID:                      NT-900050-con
Sys privilege:             2
Referenced account:        SYSMAN
Actual account:            SYSMAN
SQL stored procedures:     Disabled
Remote Basic:              Disabled
Dictionary Basic:          Disabled
User exits:                Disabled
Resilience mode:           Transaction handling
Physical ports:            400
Total ports:               800
IID insensitivity:         Supported
TCL data case:             Insensitive
Keyword case:              Insensitive
Current date window:       1930-2029
Emulation:                 D3
USER workspaces:           1,024  Bytes of HS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of IS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of OS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of TS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of BASIC workspace
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Version:                5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
Total Physical Memory:     2,03

The OS-specific section is covered by the last four lines, after "Emulation"; it is obtained using the systeminfo command (the output of this command may be different in other or future versions of Windows).


The following display is typical for a Reality 15.0 database on Solaris.

OS type:                   UNIX
Time/Date:                 17:21:31  09 Nov 2012
Reality release:           15.0
Serial number:             210386
Max Reality processes:     140
Database name:             cidb
Database type:             Partition
Frame size:                4096
Reality user ID:           ziggy
PLID:                      UNIX-210386-pts/5
Sys privilege:             2
Referenced account:        SYSMAN
Actual account:            SYSMAN
SQL stored procedures:     Disabled
Remote Basic:              Disabled
Dictionary Basic:          Disabled
User exits:                Disabled
Resilience mode:           Inactive
Physical ports:            400
Total ports:               800
IID insensitivity:         Supported
TCL data case:             Insensitive
Keyword case:              Insensitive
Current date window:       1930-2029
Emulation:                 D3
USER workspaces:           1,024  Bytes of HS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of IS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of OS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of TS workspace
                           1,024  Bytes of BASIC workspace
SunOS fork 5.9 Generic_118558-17 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
time(seconds)        unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
data(kbytes)         unlimited
stack(kbytes)        8192
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 65536
vmemory(kbytes)      unlimited
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d0       10327372 9645015  579084    95%    /
/proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
mnttab                     0       0       0     0%    /etc/mnttab
fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
/dev/md/dsk/d4       2058319  214422 1782148    11%    /var
swap                 5503176     112 5503064     1%    /var/run
/dev/md/dsk/d5       1021735    1059  959372     1%    /home
/dev/md/dsk/d3       2058319 1465379  531191    74%    /realman
/dev/md/dsk/d101     18589418 16862420 1541104    92%    /cora
/dev/dsk/c1t8d0s0    41311843 26658956 14239769    66%    /tapes
/dev/dsk/c1t9d0s0    70522042 30534924 39281898    44%    /sabretapes
swap                 5536800   33736 5503064     1%    /tmp
/dev/dsk/c2t10d0s0   70522042 53989157 15827665    78%    /scratch
/dev/md/dsk/d102     2034207  814215 1158966    42%    /corasccs
/dev/md/dsk/d100     4161886  875989 3285897    22%    /dumps
/dev/md/dsk/d103     10326764 9561134  662363    94%    /imag

The OS-specific section is covered by the last 8 lines, from the line starting "SunOS"; it is obtained using the uname -a, ulimit -a and df -k commands (the output of these commands may be different in other or future versions of Unix).