Logs on remotely a terminal connected to the database from across a network.


NET-LOGON route-entry, user-id{,user-password} {account-name{,account-password}}

Syntax elements

route-entry The name of the ROUTE-FILEClosed /etc/ROUTE-FILE is a file on a UNIX host containing items that control the routing a particular process will take through a network. Routing control includes destination system names, network addresses, etc. On Windows hosts, this information is held in the Registry. For Reality external components that use the PC Standard Network Interface for Windows (PCSNI), routing information is held in a file called winsni.ini in the Windows folder.  entry that specifies the route to the terminal.

user-id A valid host system/Reality user-id under which the terminal is to be logged on. The host system and Reality user-ids must be the same. The Reality password verification is ignored.

user-password The password for the host system user-id, if required.

account-name The name of a valid account on the database. This can be omitted if a default account has been defined. If a name is entered, it overrides the default.

The password for the specified account, if required.


The port is logged on to the system user-id specified in the command, then to the same Reality database as the user invoking NET-LOGON. The system user-id is used as the Reality user-id and the account logged on to is either the one specified in the NET-LOGON command line or, if not specified, the default account associated with the user-id.

The command prompts for the necessary parameters, if you do not specify them with the command.

If the remote terminal is logged on successfully, the following message is displayed


where nn is the port number assigned.

Once logged on, the terminal operates in the same way as a terminal which has been logged on manually.

To log off the terminal you use the LOGOFF command and port number. The network circuit will then be disconnected.

The Reality process connected to the network port is assigned a PLId of the form:



SerialNumber is the serial number of the host system.

RouteName is a name in the ROUTE-FILEClosed /etc/ROUTE-FILE is a file on a UNIX host containing items that control the routing a particular process will take through a network. Routing control includes destination system names, network addresses, etc. On Windows hosts, this information is held in the Registry. For Reality external components that use the PC Standard Network Interface for Windows (PCSNI), routing information is held in a file called winsni.ini in the Windows folder.  that is used to identify the host - See Networking for details.

Note that this is different from the PLId that would have been assigned if the network port logged on itself, instead of being logged on by NET-LOGON. The difference is deliberate and is designed to identify the originator of the network connection rather than its end-point.