Creates a special Reality file interface to non-Reality objects.


MAKE-SPECIAL filename{,data-section} keyword {parameters}

Syntax elements

filename The name of the special view file to be created.

data-section The name of a data section within the specified Reality file. If omitted, the default data section is used.

The format of valid file and data section names is described in Rules for file and data section names.

keyword Specifies the type of special file to be created. The following keywords can be used:

CSV A special view of a text file in comma-separated value format on the host file system (UNIX or Windows). This keyword requires additional parameters.

ENV A special file interface to the host environment (UNIX or Windows). No additional parameters required.

FILE A special view of a text file on the host file system (UNIX or Windows). This keyword requires additional parameters.

GFBA special view of a table of allocated global file blocks (GFBs) each of which identifies the associated file and the number of ports that have that file open (may currently be zero). No additional parameters required.

LFB A special view of a table of allocated local file blocks (LFBs). No additional parameters required.

ILOCKS A special view of the item lock table, showing locks that are in contention. No additional parameters required.

The next two index view keywords require additional parameters.

INDEX-ITEM Specifies a view of the index key values for the set of items in the data-section selected by the referenced index. Items in an INDEX-ITEM view file have the same item-ids as their associated data items, selected by the index, with associated key values in attribute one.

INDEX-KEY A view of the item-ids associated with each key value in a referenced index. Items in the INDEX-KEY view file have numeric item-ids that reference the 1st to the nth unique keys in the index.

Each item comprises two attributes. The first containing the key value for the associated unique key item id and the second containing a multi-valued list of the data item-ids associated with the key value in attribute one.


A third index view, INDEX-RAW, is provided for use by NEC Software Solutions personnel only.

LICENCE A view of the Reality licence and connection counts.

NULL A null device file. No additional parameters required.

parametersSome keywords require additional parameters, as described below.

Additional parameters

CSV keyword

hostfile {NOHEADING} {SEP=separator}

hostfileThe absolute path on the host file system (UNIX or Windows) of the CSV file for which you wish to create the special view.

NOHEADINGSpecifies that the CSV file has no initial heading line. If omitted, the first line of the file is assumed to contain the names of the data fields.

Specifies that data fields in the CSV file are delimited by the single character separator. If omitted, a comma is used.

FILE keyword

hostfile {delimiter}

hostfileThe full path-name of the file in the host environment (UNIX or Windows) for which you wish to create the special view.

delimiterSpecifies the character(s) to be converted to an attribute mark. If delimiter is not specified, no attribute marks are inserted in the file view item.


data-section index

data-sectionSpecifies data sectionreferenced by index.

indexSpecifies the index for which the special index view is to be created.


Normally SYSMAN account only, but can be used in another account if copied into its MDClosed Master Dictionary - the dictionary file that defines an account. It contains items that point to the code executed by all the TCL commands, to SYSTEM accounts, and to other accounts by means of Q-pointers. The MD also includes all File Definition Items for the account and other items. . To have the command added automatically to new accounts, add it to the USER data section of the NEWAC file.

General comments

A special file is virtually indistinguishable from an ordinary Reality file. This enables the referenced host environment to be accessed and manipulated using standard TCL commands, as well as other processors, such as English, DataBasic, Proc, etc.

More than one special file can be created and can co-exist for the same host file, each constituting a synonym file name for the same special file view.

A Reality special file can be deleted with DELETE-FILE. Where this provides access to a host file (CSV or FILE), the associated host file is not deleted.

CSV view

The CSV keyword specifies a special view of a text file in comma-separated value format on the host file system (UNIX or Windows).

If the specified host file exists, each line becomes an item in the special Reality file. The data items are given numeric item-ids, starting at one and increasing by one for each subsequent item. Any quotation marks enclosing data fields are removed.

Unless the NOHEADING keyword is included, the first line of the host file is considered to be a heading line, containing the names of the data fields. This heading line is given the item-id 0 and a data definition item is created in the dictionary for each field. The item-ids for these data definition items are created as follows:

An English macro, 1, is created in the dictionary to list all the data fields from the CSV file.

Note that the English commands LIST, SORT, SELECT, etc. do not list the heading item.

If the NOHEADING keyword is included, no heading item or data definition items are created.

If the specified host file does not exist or is empty, and the dictionary of the specified Reality file already exists, a heading item is created from the existing data definition items, if any.

Once created, the special Reality file can be manipulated in the same way as any other Reality file. The contents of another Reality file can be copied to a CSV file with the CSV-COPY command. Any changes will be reflected in the associated host file.

CSV example

If the Windows file c:\temp\union.csv contains the following:


the following command creates a Reality view of this file:

:MAKE-SPECIAL UNION CSV c:\temp\union.csv

This can then be viewed from Reality as follows:


Page    1                                            13:43:58  06 Apr 2005
Surname... City...... Country...
Wilkinson  Newcastle  UK
O'Driscoll Dublin     Eire
Michalak   Paris      France
3 Items listed.

ENV view

The ENV keyword specifies a special file interface to the host environment (UNIX or Windows). The file created contains an item for each host environment variable - the item id is the variable name and the value of the variable is in attribute one. You can change your current host environment by updating items in this file.

Environment example

Create a special file interface to your UNIX environment.




The following system message is returned:

[417] FILE 'ENVFILE' created.
D code =D, modulo =1, separ = 1
[417] FILE 'ENVFILE' created.
D code =DX, modulo =0, separ = 0

Now if you enter:


the following items will be displayed:

001 /realman/9.0
001 /bin/ksh
001 /user1/admin

FILE view

The FILE keyword specifies a special view of a text file on the host file system (UNIX or Windows).

Lines of text within the referenced host file appear as Reality items in the special Reality file (see File Example). The items are given numeric item-ids, starting at one and increasing by one for each subsequent item. If a delimiter is specified, each field in a line, separated by a delimiter character, appears as an attribute within the corresponding Reality item. If a delimiter is not specified, each field appears as an item with a single attribute.

Even if the specified host file does not exist, MAKE-SPECIAL will still create a D-pointer in the MD and a special file dictionary. However, any attempt to view such a file will return the error message:

[201] Unable to open file 'filename'.

Special file view is primarily for viewing text files. An attempt to create a special view on to a binary file and manipulate binary data will have an undefined effect. Also a special file view is a read only file. Any attempt to write to it will result in an error message.

FILE example

Create a special view of the file /user1/admin/addresses which contains data in the format:

John Smith:24, Brandles Close:Letchworth:Herts:SG6 6QW
Alan Brown: 67, South Avenue:Littleover:Derby:DE3 6GH
Alison Macdonald:23 Castle Road:Southampton:Hants:SO2 5FE


MAKE-SPECIAL ADDRESSES FILE /user1/admin/addresses :

The following system message is returned:

[417] FILE 'ADDRESSES' created.
D code =D, modulo =1, separ = 1
[417] FILE 'ADDRESSES' created.
D code =DX, modulo =0, separ = 0

Now if you enter:


you will see the following items:

001 John Smith
002 24, Brandles Close
003 Letchworth
004 Herts
005 SG6 9QW
001 Alan Brown
002 67, South Avenue
003 Littleover
004 Derby
005 DE3 9GH
001 Alison Macdonald
002 23 Castle Road
003 Southampton
004 Hants
005 SO2 5FE

GFB and LFB views

From the SYSMAN account, to count the number of GFBs currently allocated:


The maximum avaiable number of GFBs is related to the NumDataSects database configuration parameter.

Again in SYSMAN use:


And then a given account can use:


to count the number of unique files their port has open. (There is currently no way of counting items in another port's LFB table.)


The ILOCKS keyword specifies a special view of the item lock table, showing locks that are in contention. Each item lock appears as an item in the special Reality file.


  • Reality V11.0 introduced a number of enhancements to this feature. As a result, item locks files that were created on earlier version of Reality will not show the detailed item lock information described below. To view the lock details you will have to create new item locks files. For example, if your item lock file is called ILOCKTAB enter the following commands:
  • Normally, the item lock list view shows only locks that are in contention. To list all locks, set either the ListAllItemLocks database configuration parameter or the REALLISTALLLOCKS host environment variable.


    This parameter should be used with caution, because each time the item locks special file is listed it will activate every port on the system. On systems with large numbers of users, this could adversely affect performance.

An item lock view file is read only. Any attempt to write to it will result in an error message.

When you create the special view file, a set of attribute definition items are copied into the special file dictionary which are used by the English processor to display the item locks report.

The default macro (1) generates a report with the following headings:



Lock ID

Lock identifier.


Number of port holding lock.


List of ports waiting for this lock.


The file and data section name.


The ID of the locked item.

The following dictionary items are provided, so that you can create your own reports:




Default macro.


Number of locks held.


Macro that provides a listing with the following headings: Value, File Hash, Item Hash, Port, Lock Count, Level, Waiting, Waiting Level.


File hash part of item lock ID.


The name of the account containing the file.


Name of file data section.


Name of file dictionary.


Combination of IDICT and IDATA.


The ID of the locked item.


Item hash part of item lock ID.


Level of lock.


The lock ID (combination of ITEM-HASH and FILE-HASH).


The number of the port holding the lock.


Macro used when displaying locks on specific ports.


Same as WAITING.


A multivalued list of ports waiting on the item lock.


The level that lock is being waited on.

Listing locks

To list locks that are preventing access by other ports, simply use the LIST command to list the item locks file. For example, the following command creates an item locks file called ILOCKTAB:


The locks that are preventing access by other ports can then be listed with:


A report similar to the following is displayed:

Page 1 13:48:50 09 Mar 2004
Lock ID......... Port Wait File................ Item.....................
0081C0C100028E1B 401  402  TEST                 000001
One item listed.

This shows that port 401 is holding a lock on item 000001 in the file TEST, and that ports 402 and 403 are waiting for this item.

See also ILOCKS Example.

Listing locks held by a specific port

To list the locks held by a specific port, use the PORTS macro and specify the required port numbers. For example, if you have called the item locks file ILOCKTAB, enter:

LIST ILOCKTAB PORTS '401' '402' '403'

You will see a report similar to the following:

Page 1                                           14:01:13 09 Mar 2004
Port Wait File................ Item..........................
 401 402  TEST                 000001
 401      TEST                 000002
 401      TEST                 000003
 401      TEST                 000004
 401      TEST                 000005
 401      TEST                 000006
 401      TEST                 000007
 401      TEST                 000008
 401      TEST                 000009
 401      TEST                 000010
 402 WAIT TEST                 000001
 403 WAIT TEST                 000001
3 Items listed.

This shows that port 401 is holding 10 locks and ports 402 and 403 are waiting for the lock on item 000001 in the file TEST.

Listing specific locks

Although listing the item lock view file shows only those locks that are in contention, if you know the lock ID, you can obtain details of a specific lock (you can use the LIST-ITEM-LOCKS and SHOW-ITEM-LOCKS commands to obtain the ID of a lock). For example:

LIST ILOCKTAB '0081C0C100028E1B'

A report similar to the following is displayed:

Page 1 13:48:50 09 Mar 2004
Lock ID......... Port Wait File................ Item.....................
0081C0C100028E1B 401  402  TEST                 000001
One item listed.

This shows that lock 0081C0C100028E1B is being held by port 401 on item 000001 in the file TEST, and that ports 402 and 403 are waiting for this item.

Item lock example

Create a special view of the item lock table. For example, enter:


then, enter:


This will display a report similar to the following:

Page 1 13:48:50 09 Mar 2004
Lock ID......... Port Wait File................ Item.....................
0000031000000058 405  402  GUESTS               003752
One item listed.

This shows that port 405 is holding a lock on item 003752 in the file GUESTS, and that ports 402, 403 and 404 are waiting for this item.

INDEX views

Two keywords are provided with the MAKE-SPECIAL command which enable the system administrator to create read-only special views of thecontents of an index. They are INDEX-ITEM and INDEX-KEY. Refer to the description of the keyword syntax element.


A third index view, INDEX-RAW, is provided for use by NEC Software Solutions personnel only.

INDEX example

Create an index GUESTS-LAST-NAME for the GUESTS data section which has index entries ordered according to the key value LAST-NAME. For example:

[1281] Index definition 'GUESTS-LAST-NAME' created.
[1280] Index 'GUESTS-LAST-NAME' created.

Then using the MAKE-SPECIAL command create two special views of the index GUESTS-LAST-NAME.  For example, GSN-ITEM-VIEW and GSN-KEY-VIEW, as follows:

[417] File 'GSN-ITEM-VIEW' created.
D code =D, modulo = 1, separ = 1
[417] File 'GSN-ITEM-VIEW' created.
D code =DY, modulo = 0, separ = 0
[417] File 'GSN-KEY-VIEW' created.
D code =D, modulo = 1, separ = 1
[417] File 'GSN-KEY-VIEW' created.
D code =DY, modulo = 0, separ = 0 

Now look at the items in the two special view files using the CT command. For example:

001 Anderson
001 Anderson
001 Curtis
001 Evans
001 Fennelly
001 Ferguson
001 Gallagher
001 Hennessey
001 Hynes
001 Irving
001 Janson
001 Kolman
001 Lewis
001 Lewis
001 Lynch
001 Madison
001 McSweeney
001 Mendell
001 O'Brien
001 Palmer
001 Petrillo
001 Postma
001 Rizzo
001 Scott
001 Taylor
001 Taylor


For exploding indexes the item ID will have the multi-value and sub-value numbers appended. For example, an item ID of '355' will look like '355 <1>' if values are exploded, or '355 <1,1>' if sub-values are exploded.

001 Anderson
002 100]122
001 Curtis
002 444
001 Evans
002 535
001 Fennelly
002 289
001 Ferguson
002 365
001 Gallagher
002 411
001 Hennessey
002 143
001 Hynes
002 194
001 Irving
002 144
001 Janson
002 147
001 Kolman
002 478
001 Lewis
002 211]412
001 Lynch
002 140
001 Madison
002 142
001 McSweeney
002 234
001 Mendell
002 309
001 O'Brien
002 222
001 Palmer
002 401
001 Petrillo
002 318
001 Postma
002 428
001 Rizzo
002 117
001 Scott
002 119
001 Taylor
002 354]355


For exploding indexes attribute 3 will contain the multi and sub-value numbers separated by a value mark.


The LICENCE keyword specifies a view of the Reality licence and connection counts. Each licence type appears as an item in the special Reality file.


A licence view special file called REALITY-LICENCE is supplied in the SYSMAN account.

A licence view file is read only. Any attempt to write to it will result in an error message.

When you create the special view file, a set of attribute definition items are copied into the special file dictionary which are used by the English processor to display a report of Reality licences with the following headings:

Licence Type  The type of connection.

Maximum Licence  The number of available licences of this connection type. This will normally only be non-zero for the Ordinary, Reserved and RLTYXDSP connection types.

Used Licence  The number of licences of this connection type that have been used.

Database Used Port
The number of connections of this type that are currently in use.

Reserved Ports  The number of licences successfully reserved for specific connection types.

Request Reserve The number of reserved licences requested. This should normally be the same as the number of Reserved Ports.

Spare Ports  The number of free, unallocated licences.

Expires The date on which the licences expire. If expiry is less than 60 days away, the number of days until expiry is shown; if expiry is less than a year away, the month of expiry is shown; if expiry is more than a year away, the year of expiry is shown. If a negative number is shown, this is the number of days in the grace period.

Licensed Ports  The total number of all types of licence.

The report lists the following connection types:

Ordinary  User licences. For normal user connections, one licence is required for each connected user. User licences can also be used for other connection types if no licences of the required type are available.

Reserved Licences reserved for use by specified PLIds.

TempUser Temporary user licences.

SQLSRVR Network connections to the SQL server. You can reserve licences for this purpose by setting the REALRESERVESQLSRVR environment variable to the number of licences required.

RLTYXDSP Despooler connections. You can reserve licences for this purpose by purchasing despooler licences or setting the REALRESERVERLTYXDSP environment variable to the number of licences required.

TIPH TIPH connections. You can reserve licences for this purpose by purchasing TIPH licences.

ROSFS Network connections to the remote file server. You can reserve licences for this purpose by setting the REALRESERVEROSFS environment variable to the number of licences required.

RSCSRVR Network connections to the remote subroutine server. You can reserve licences for this purpose by setting the REALRESERVERSCSRVR environment variable to the number of licences required.

RWSRVR Network connections to the RealWeb server. You can reserve licences for this purpose by setting the REALRESERVERWSRVR environment variable to the number of licences required.

GUISRVR Network connections to the GUI Admin server. Five ports are set aside for these connections and can be used even if there are no user licences available.

SYSTEM System utilities such as realresize, pdump, realmt, realdump, realfsadm, tlrestore and realusers. Five ports are set aside for these utilities and can be used even if there are no user licences available.

TLMENU Commands run by the tlmenu host utility. A single port is set aside for this; it can be used even if there are no user licences available.

CRITICAL Other commands that must be able to run, even if there is no user licence available. A single port is set aside for this.

LICENCE example

Create a special view of the licence table. For example, enter:


then enter:


This will display a report similar to the following:

Licence.. Maximum Used.... Database. Reserved Request Spare Expires Licensed
Type      Licence Licence  Used Port Ports    Reserve Ports (Days)  Ports
Ordinary      104     100        100        0       0     4       -      120
Reserved        2       1          1        2       0     1       -
TempUser        0       0          0        0       0     0       -
SQLSRVR         0       2          2        3       3     1       -
RLTYXDSP       16      10         10        0       0     6       -
ROSFS           0       0          0        0       0     0       -
RSCSRVR         0       0          0        0       0     0       -
RWSRVR          0       0          0        0       0     0       -
GUISRVR         -       -          0        -       -     5       -
SYSTEM          -       -          1        -       -     4       -
TLMENU          -       -          1        -       -     0       -
CRITICAL        -       -          0        -       -     1       -
12 Items listed.