Sets the internal database name.
When you run the CUSTOMER.IDENT command, you will see the following prompts:
Customer / Site name:currentDatabaseName
Correct (Y<cr>/N):
Answer Y
to leave the database name unchanged. If you enter N
, you will be prompted:
Customer / Site name:
Enter the new name for the database.
You are then prompted:
System name:currentSystemName
Correct (Y<cr>/N):
Answer Y
to leave the system name unchanged. If you enter N
, you will be prompted:
System name:
Enter the new system name. This should be the same as the database name.
By default, the internal name for the database is the same as that in the physical save into a new or different database, the internal name remains unchanged. CUSTOMER.IDENT lets you change the internal name to match that in the ROUTE-FILE if required.
. However, if you restore aThe internal database name is used by TCL commands such as WHO.
You have to log out and then log back in again to see the effect of this command.
See Also