Converts a complete file, file dictionary, data section or account MD to use case-sensitive or insensitive item-ids.


CONVERT-FILE {DICT||DATA} file{,data-section} {(options}

CONVERT-FILE account (A{options}

Syntax elements

DICTProcess only the dictionary of the file.

DATAProcess only the default data section.

fileSpecifies the required file.

If used alone (with neither a file modifier nor a data section name), the dictionary and all data sections are converted.

data-sectionSpecifies the required data section.

accountSpecifies the required account.


A Convert the MD of the specified account.

L Do not proceed if any of specified sections is locked by another process. If this option is not specified, CONVERT-FILE will wait for the lock to be released before continuing.

Q Quiet mode; perform actions without prompting for confirmation. If this option is not specified, the list of sections to be converted is displayed and the user is prompted to confirm the operation.

U Convert to case sensitive.

W Convert to case insensitive.


Requires SYS2 privileges.

If converting an account MD, must be run from SYSMAN or SYSPROG.

If converting to case-insensitive, the database must allow you to create case-insensitive files (see Item-id Case-insensitivity).


If neither the U nor the W option is specified, the type of conversion depends on whether the INSENS.CREATE.FILE environment option is set (see Environments). If INSENS.CREATE.FILE set, the file or account is converted from case-sensitive to insensitive; otherwise it is converted from case-insensitive to sensitive.

If the conversion is from case-sensitive to insensitive, the item-ids in each section are compared insensitively; if any duplicates are found they are displayed and the operation is aborted.

System files

By default, the USERS, NETWORK and SECURITY files in the SYSMAN account are case-sensitive. Converting these file to case-insensitive affects the following:

NETWORK file PLids.

SECURITY file Security profile names.

USERS file User names. User passwords, however, are always case-sensitive.

The case-sensitivity of the SYSTEM dictionary can only be set when creating or rebuilding a database; it cannot be converted.


For correct operation, an index relies on always using the same settings for data and item-id case-sensitivity. Because of this, when you create an index, the current settings for these are saved with that index.

If you subsequently use CONVERT-FILE to change the item-id case-sensitivity of the file, you will invalidate the index. CONVERT-FILE will warn you that the specified file contains indexes; If this occurs, it is recommended that you run VERIFY-INDEX before using the converted file and, if necessary, recreate the indexes.

See also

Item-id case-insensitivity, mkdbase.