Displays information about processes being executed on a specified port:


ANALYZE port (options

Syntax Elements

port The number of the required port (but see option H).


A Specifies that details of any item locks should include the name of the account containing the file concerned.

H Specifies that port is a host process ID.

U UNIX only. Include the host status of the reality process running on the specified port; that is, the result of executing ps -lp [processId] on the host, where processId is the host process ID.


Can be run from the SYSMAN account only. The user must have SYS1 or SYS2 privilege.


ANALYZE displays the following information:


   Port Process... Status... Event Major State..... Minor State.....
    402       3988 Connected   598 Port Read        System read
Return Stack
SYSTEM:6,? SYSTEM:6,85 BASIC:2239,103
DataBasic Stack:
     Service Port Read
  0  Call    FQM.SUB
  0  Run     FQM

In this example, the ANALYZE command has displayed the details of the process on port 402 which is running the FQM TCL command and is currently waiting for user input.

   Port Process... Status... Event Major State..... Minor State.....
    404       4172 Connected   268 Lock Item        Lock Wait
Return Stack
CORA:1992,? SYSTEM:1311,48 BASIC:2231,92
DataBasic Stack:
  0  Run     NEST-LOCKS
  0  Perform NEST-LOCKS
  1  Run     NEST-LOCKS
     Service Lock Item
Port is waiting on item locked by Port 403
00002984:00000324 WAIT TEST EMC CC
Port owns the following item locks
00002984:000022CF   403 SYSMAN EMC CCC
WARNING A deadlock exists between this port and port 403

In this example, the ANALYZE command has displayed the details of the process on port 404 which is running a DataBasic program called NEST-LOCKS. The program is waiting on an item locked by port 403 and holds a lock on the item CCC in file EMC. There is a deadlock between ports 404 and 403.