Changing the Session Manager Parameters

If necessary, you can change the parameters that are used when the session manager is started. This is done by editing the file /etc/init.d/rcs and changing the line that begins:



Your changes will not take effect until the session manager is re-started.

The following session manager options are available:

-? Display the syntax of the session manager command.

-D entrynameSpecifies the name of the active skeleton destination entry.

-d millisecondsThe timeout allowed for a DDA connect after the transport connection has been established. The default is 10000ms (10s).

-e filenameThe path and filename of the event file. The default is /usr/adm/RCS/RCS_EVENT_LOG.

-f Foreground - do not detach from the tty. This is for running under debug control.

-h secondsThe interval between session manager housekeeping; that is, between the checks that processes with connections established are still alive. The default is 10 seconds.

-l bytesThe size at which RCS_SESS_LOG will be moved to old.SESS_LOG. The default is 1Mb.

-n Enable the TCP Nagle algorithm on incoming connections. By default this is disabled to improve the performance of DDA terminal connections into the UNIX environment.

-q numericThe key to use for the IPC (Interprocess communication) message queue. This is only required where multiple versions of the session manager are running.

-s filenameThe path and filename of the session file. The default is /usr/adm/RCS/RCS_SESS_LOG.

-t valueThe initial trace level. This is a bit map of the following tracing options:






32 X25_TRACE


A value of 256 ensures that the session manager creates a TRACE log file without any real tracing, so that the trace level can be changed with the smtr utility.

You should not enable tracing (except with a value of 256) unless advised to do so by NEC Software Solutions.

-u filenameThe path and filename for the trace log. The default is /usr/adm/RCS/RCS_TRACE_LOG.

-v bytesThe size at which RCS_EVENT_LOG will be moved to old.EVENT_LOG. The default is 1Mb.

-x Allow incoming connects to use /etc/PLIdHOSTS-FILE and the /etc/hosts.equiv or $HOME/.rhosts files for security. See Network Security.