Listing Columns and Indexes in Reality
Listing the Columns in a Table
The TCL command LIST-SQL-COLUMNS generates a listing of columns defined in a specified table (equivalent to DESCRIBE TABLENAME command available to ORACLE users). Without arguments, LIST-SQL-COLUMNS lists details of columns in all tables.
To list columns for a particular table, you must specify the table name:
:LIST-SQL-COLUMNS EMP Page 1 14:45:11 10 Jan 1999 Table...... Column........ Type...... Prec Scale Attr# Value Subvalue EMP COMM DECIMAL 7 2 6 EMP DEPTNO INTEGER 10 7 EMP EMPNO INTEGER 10 0 EMP ENAME CHAR 10 1 EMP HIREDATE DATE 10 4 EMP MGR INTEGER 10 3 EMP SAL DECIMAL 7 2 5 EMP TITLE CHAR 9 2 8 Items listed....
Prior to Reality V12.0, this command was called LISTCOLUMNS.
Listing the Indexes for a Table
The LIST-SQL-INDEXES command generates a listing of indexes defined for a named table. Without arguments, LIST-SQL-INDEXES lists details of indexes for all tables. To list the indexes for a particular table, you must include the table name as an argument:
:LIST-SQL-INDEXES EMP Page 1 16:51:12 27 Jan 1999 Table......... Index......... Index. Duplicates Column......... Collation Type Allowed Names EMP Table EMP IID Hashed N EMPNO EMP HX Other Y HIREDATE Asc *** 3 Items listed.
Prior to Reality V12.0, this command was called LISTINDEXES.