Switching Clean Logs

This procedure switches logging to a new clean log, optionally archives the previous clean log to tape, and removes the archived clean log from disk.


tlmenu does not support archiving of multiple clean logs. The clean log archive procedure only dumps one clean log per tape. A separate tape must be used to archive each log file.

Frequent switching and archiving of the clean log is recommended to avoid filling up the clean log partition. The frequency of switching will depend on database usage.

Clean log partition usage can be monitored by looking at the Transaction Logging Status screen displayed by entering S at any menu prompt.

When using this option, it is not necessary to know the identity of the current clean log or its location in the file system. Neither is it necessary to know what the next clean log name should be. All these functions are carried out automatically by tlmenu. The current clean log name is displayed and the next clean log is created to follow in sequence according to the standard naming conventions.


  1. Select option 1 on the Routine Maintenance menu. A message is then displayed describing the purpose of the procedure. Enter y  to continue.
  2. You are asked to choose the clean log to switch to. A menu similar to the following is displayed:

    Switching to:
    1.  Another Clean Log for today (CLOG990731-01)
    2.  Next day's Clean Log (CLOG990801-01)
    3.  Clean Log for named day or date
    4.  A named Clean Log
    Enter option (1-4) : _

    Select the option you require (see the table below).

    Clean Log Menu Options




    Automatically creates and switches to a clean log with today's date, named according to the standard naming conventions for clean logs.


    Automatically creates and switches to a clean log with tomorrow's date named according to the standard naming conventions for clean logs.


    Creates a clean log name using the standard naming conventions for the day of the week (e.g. Mon) or the date (13/06/99) that you specify and switches logging to it. This option prompts you for the day or date.


    Creates and switches to a clean log with any name that you specify. You must not use a name which has recently been used.


    It is recommended that you use the standard clean log naming conventions (CLOGyymmdd-nn) when selecting a log name.

  3. Having selected the clean log name and confirmed that you want to switch to it, you are given the option to archive the previous clean log:

    Do you want to archive previous Clean Log (y/n/q) :

    To archive the previous clean log after switching, enter y  at the prompt and continue with step 4.


    It is recommended that you archive and then delete the clean log to release clean log partition space.

    To switch a clean log without archiving, enter n. The new clean log is created and switched to, and the previous clean log is saved in the clean log sub-directory. You are then returned to the Routine Maintenance menu.

Archiving Previous Clean Log

  1. On a FailSafe primary database, you are asked:

    Do you want to run the archive on the Secondary (y/n/q)? :

    Enter y  to archive the clean log on the secondary or n  to archive it on the primary.

  2. A list of tape devices configured on the database (on FailSafe, the selected database) is then displayed, followed by a prompt to select one to use for the archive. Enter the number of the tape device that you want to use for the archive.

    The new clean log is then created and logging is switched to it.

  3. The following messages are then displayed:

    [CTL4003] Log file created
    [CTL4011] Logging switched to new clean log
    Waiting for clean log switch to complete
    Clean Log switch completed
    Mount write enabled tape on LOCAL tape unit n for Clean Log archive.
    Are you ready to continue (y/n/q):


    If a secondary archive in a FailSafe configuration has been selected, the second message reads:

    Mount write enabled tape on REMOTE tape unit n for 
    Clean Log archive

    The tape should then be mounted on the secondary machine.

    Ensure that the tape is loaded and the tape device is on-line, then enter y  to archive the clean log to tape and verify the archived log.


    Any error condition occurring during the archiving or verification of the clean log, will display the message:

    Warning : Clean Log archive / verify failed.
    Do you want to retry (y/n/q)?:

    Enter y  to retry the archive/verify procedure or n  to return to the Routine Maintenance menu.

    Once the archive tape is verified you are prompted to remove the clean log from disk:

    Delete Clean Log clog_name from Disk (y/n/q) ? :

    Enter y  to remove the archived clean log from disk. You are then returned to the Routine Maintenance menu.


    If you are using Reality Disaster Recovery to backup your database, the clean log will not be deleted until it has been copied to the slave system and restored onto the slave database.