Deleting Clean Logs

This procedure enables you to permanently remove clean logs from disk.


For Shadow Database, this option must be selected on the live database and for FailSafe, it must be selected on the primary.


  1. Select option 4 on the Routine Maintenance menu. A message is then displayed describing the purpose of the procedure. Enter y  to continue.
  2. A list of clean logs currently in the clean log sub-directory is displayed, followed by the prompt:

    Enter Clean Log file to delete (clean_log/n/?) :

    Enter the name of the clean log you wish to delete.


    Clean log names are case sensitive. For example, CLOG  must be entered in upper-case.

  3. You are asked to confirm that you want to delete the specified clean log.


    If you are using Reality Disaster Recovery to backup your database, the clean log will normally not be deleted until it has been copied to the slave system and restored onto the slave database. If, however, you have already attempted to delete the clean log, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the log without waiting for it to be restored on the slave database. It is recommended that, under these circumstances, you first ensure that you have archived the clean log.

    You are then prompted for the name of another clean log. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each clean log that you want to delete. Then enter n  to return to the Routine Maintenance menu.