Using English to Examine a Clean Log or Error Log
The English retrieval language can be used to examine a log and analyse the information in the logged image items. Most of the facilities supported by English can be used. See the English Reference for details.
When selecting from a log to restore images, ensure that you are selecting the correct images. Never use the SORT command as this will re-order the images.
Log attributes
Log file information can be retrieved using the following attributes:
ACCOUNT The Reality account being used when the image was logged.
CLOGSEQ The sequence number of the image in the clean log.
COUNT The number of images in the clean log.
DATE The date when the image was first logged.
FILENAME The Reality file for which the image was logged.
INFO Information field from Transaction boundary images.
ITEM The item id of modified record.
ITEMINFO Combines Item and INFO information.
OPERATION Type of operation for which the image was logged.
PORT Number of the port logging the image.
RESULT Failure code which appears in the reject or error log. Indicates reason for failure to restore update. Zero indicates a successful recovery.
RLOGSEQ Transaction id - Sequence number of transaction commit. All images in a committed transaction have the same sequence number. Independent updates have different sequence numbers.
SERVICE The Reality service which generated the image.
SIZE The size of the image.
TIME Time when the image was first logged.
TYPE Type of log image.
USER Reality user-id that logged the image.
You can retrieve each item of data stored in the log items by using the LIST command and specifying the attribute names listed above.
To save time typing you can define an English macro to execute a predefined English statement and retrieve a predefined set of log item attributes for display on your screen.
Examples of these are the VIS and VISF macros provided on your installed database. VIS is used to list the default attributes. LIST CLOG1 displays the same as LIST CLOG1 VIS. VISF displays the Reality File details for each clean log image in sequential order. If you enter an English statement of the type:
English displays a report similar to the following:
Clog. Time. Type....Port User.. Account. File..... Item/Info.Operation.. 0 12:17 Start 24 START 1 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL BED-CODES Q DELETE ITEM 2 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL BED-CODES WB DELETE ITEM 3 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL BED-CODES D DELETE ITEM 4 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL BED-CODES K DELETE ITEM 5 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL BED-CODES CLEAR SECT 6 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 7 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 8 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 9 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 10 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 11 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 12 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 13 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM 14 12:17 After 24 SYSMAN HOTEL GUESTS 140 DELETE ITEM