Using DataBasic to Examine a Clean Log or Error Log
Clean logs can be accessed from DataBasic by opening and reading them as for any standard Reality file.
Item IDs are hexadecimal offsets into the clean log, and are case sensitive. The following table lists the attributes.
Number |
Name |
Description |
1 |
Type of log image. |
2 |
The Reality service which generated the image. |
3 |
The size of the image. |
4 |
The date when the image was first logged. |
5 |
Time when the image was first logged. |
6 |
Transaction id - Sequence number of transaction commit. All images in a committed transaction have the same sequence number. Independent updates have different sequence numbers. |
7 |
The sequence number of the image in the clean log. |
8 |
Number of the port logging the image. |
9 |
Failure code which appears in the reject or error log. Indicates reason for failure to restore update. Zero indicates a successful recovery. |
10 |
Reality user-id that logged the image. |
11 |
The Reality account being used when the image was logged. |
12 |
The Reality file for which the image was logged. |
13 |
Information field from Transaction boundary images, if 2 is "RXS" |
13 |
The item id of modified record, if 2 not "RXS" |
13 |
Combines Item and INFO information. |
14 |
Type of operation for which the image was logged. |
15 |
16 |
Synchronisation number used during multithreaded restore |
17 |
Number of attributes in clean log header (including this one) |
(17)+1 |
Start of item body if enabled |
By default, only the header attributes are returned when reading a clean log item. However if it is required to see the item body then this can be achieved by writing “#FULL-VIEW#” to the clean log file handle after opening the log. The item body will appear at (attribute 17) +1 onwards.
The program below demonstrates accessing clean log images from a clean log file.
IF SYSTEM(20) THEN P = 1 ELSE P = 3 Name = SENTENCE(P) Ofst = SENTENCE(P+1) IF Name = '' THEN PRINT "No log name specified"; STOP OPEN Name TO CLOG ELSE PRINT "Open failed ":Name; STOP IF Ofst # '' THEN List = Ofst END ELSE SELECT CLOG TO List END WRITE "" ON CLOG,"#FULL-VIEW#"; * Enable the full view feature LOOP WHILE READNEXT IID FROM List READ FullImage FROM CLOG,IID ELSE CRT "Read of ":IID:" failed"; STOP PRINT PRINT "Image ":IID * * Print the header items - see the clean log DICT for header definition * HeaderSize = FullImage<17> FOR I = 1 TO HeaderSize - 1 PRINT "Header ":I:": ":FullImage<I> NEXT PRINT * * Extract the image data from the full image. This also works * if the image data is binary. * StartPos = DELIM.POS(FullImage<HeaderSize>, "E") + 1 ImageData = FullImage[StartPos, -1] * * Len = DCOUNT(ImageData, @AM) FOR I = 1 TO Len PRINT "Item ":I:": ":ImageData< I> NEXT REPEAT