Configuration Options

Managing the temporary directory

tlmenu uses a temporary directory as workspace while executing its procedures. On initialisation and at the start of each procedure, tlmenu checks to see if there is enough space in the temporary directory. If not, it will fail with the message:


Not enough space in temporary directory.
Unable to continue with tlmenu until more is available.

You must then remove unnecessary files from the temporary directory to release space, and then re-execute tlmenu.

Clean logs

Tape block size

tlmenu uses the host environment variable REALTLDUMPSIZE to determine the tape block size to be used for archiving and loading a clean log. The default is 8192 bytes. This ensures compatibility when archiving and restoring clean logs between different types of systems.

Tape density

tlmenu uses the host environment variable REALTLDUMPDEN to determine the tape density to be used when archiving and loading a clean log. If REALDUMPDEN is not specified, the device default is used.

Filename prefix

The prefix to the clean log name can be redefined to be any four-character string by specifying the host environment variable REALCLOGPREFIX. This allows you to identify clean logs differently for each database. If necessary, the defined string is truncated to four characters. The default is CLOG.

Autoswitch limit

The size limit at which clean logs are automatically switched is set by specifying the host environment variable REALCIP_LOGLIMIT in units of one megabyte from 1 to 199900; values outside the permitted range are ignored. The default is 1.5 Gigabytes. See Clean Log Administration for more details.

Disabling clearance of the TL-REJECT log

Normally, TL-REJECT is cleared after each clean log restore. You can prevent this from happening by setting the host environment variable REALNOREJECTCLEAR. Rejected images and history information for the current restore is appended to the appropriate file.