Moves the entire contents of the secondary input buffer to the primary input buffer.




The contents are copied to the parameter currently pointed to by the buffer pointer in the primary input buffer. The primary input buffer must be active when MS is executed. After the move, the secondary input buffer is left null.

If the secondary input buffer contains more than one parameter when its contents are placed in the primary input buffer, then all parameters in the primary input buffer beyond the original position are moved down.

The MS command was created to allow easy access to the secondary input buffer (see also the IF E command).

The spooler saves the number of any hold file initiated while Proc is in control and stores it in the secondary input buffer, as if it were an error message. The number is stored in the form HFNn, where n is the actual hold file number. TCL (including English) commands that generate system messages store the message's item-id in the secondary input buffer, overwriting any previous contents, as do all operations that write to the secondary input buffer.



In this example, the command BLOCK-PRINT TEST creates a hold file.

The S1 command positions the buffer pointer to the beginning of the 1st parameter in the primary input buffer.

The MS command moves the contents of the secondary input buffer contents to the 1st parameter of the primary input buffer.

The secondary input buffer contents begin at primary input buffer element %1. Normal Proc commands can be used to search for the HFNn string and to extract the generated hold file number.