RealEdit is a Reality editor that runs on Windows PCs. It is similar in operation to other Windows editors, but also allows you to perform Reality-specific operations such as compiling and cataloging DataBasic programs, and viewing included code.
Refer to the Reality Release Information for details of which versions of Windows are supported.
PCSNI software V2.2 Rev C or later.
Installing RealEdit
Start the installation program as described for Windows in the section Starting the installation.
Select RealEdit from the Utilities menu.
The default location is c:\Program Files\NorthgateIS\RealEdit; you can override this if required.
Set-up after installation
For each database in which you want to edit items using RealEdit:
Log on to the SYSMAN account and run SETUP-ACCOUNT. Select the accounts on which you want to use RealEdit and, from the Features screen, the RealEdit feature. Then enter . to install the feature.
You can enter ? for information about how to use SETUP-ACCOUNT.
While logged on to the SYSMAN account, run SSM.
For each user-id that will be used to access RealEdit, use SSM Option 2 to set the Status (option 13) to
(enabled) and the Type (option 14) toS
(so that it can be used as a server). -
Use SSM Option 3 to configure the security profiles associated with these user-ids, setting Alt Server Profiles (option 8) to specify an alternative security profile to be used when logged in via the RealEdit server, EXPSRVR.
You can specify DEFAULT.EXPLORER as this alternative profile, or you can set up a new security profile, based upon DEFAULT.EXPLORER, to be used with RealEdit.
For more details, refer to Setting up Security for External Access.
Start RealEdit on the client.
Select an existing WinSNI entry from the drop-down list, or use the Edit WINSNI button to create a new WinSNI entry for the required database. The entry must be set up for direct connection to a Reality database (for details, see the description of how to set up PCSNI.
If you are prompted for a password when you try to connect, check that the database is unlocked.