
JReal provides the Java programmer with the ability to access Remote Basic subroutines (DataBasic subroutines that have been enabled for remote access), and to write custom servlets to access a Reality database via RealWeb. It comprises:


Java Run Time Environment (JRE) version 1.4.1_02 or above. If this is not available, it can be downloaded from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.



  1. Start the installation program as described for Windows in the section Starting the installation.

  2. Select JReal from the Core Reality Software menu.

  3. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\NorthgateIS\JReal-3.2 (for 64-bit Windows) or C:\Program Files\NorthgateIS\JReal-3.2 (for 32-bit Windows); you can override this default if required.

  4. You can select up to two components: Program Files and Help Files. Highlight an item to display a description of that component.


  1. Start the installation program as described for UNIX in the section Starting the installation.

  2. Enter the root password when prompted. The following menu is displayed:

    Reality CD-ROM Component Installation Utility
    The following components are available
    JDBCdriver   V1.0         RealSQL-JDBC driver interface to Reality
    JReal        V3.2         Java interface to Reality (DDA & RSC)
    RealWeb      V3.2         Web interface to Reality
    Select component to install
               Install JDBC driver  y/n/q [n]:
                     Install JReal  y/n/q [n]:
                   Install RealWeb  y/n/q [n]:
  3. Enter y to select the required component.

  4. Enter the installation directory when prompted. The default location is /usr/northgateis/Product-Version, but you can change this if required.

Set-up after installation


  1. Add the jreal.jar file to CLASSPATH.

    For example, on UNIX:


    or on Windows:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NorthgateIS\JReal-3.1\jreal.jar
  2. Add the JReal directory to CLASSPATH.

    On UNIX:


    On Windows:

    C:\Program Files\NorthgateIS (x86)\JReal-3.2

    This contains the reality.properties file.

For information on how to set CLASSPATH, refer to Setting Environment Variables.


To call a Remote Basic subroutine using JReal, you must establish a connection to an account on a Reality database - you will need to use a user-id that has been set up as follows.

Log on to the SYSMAN account and run SSM. Then do the following:

  1. Use SSM option 3 to create a security profile to be used with the Remote Basic server. It is recommended that this profile should have Remote Basic (option 23) set to R (restricted); you must also specify a file in which the subroutines that can be called remotely are listed. For more information on security for external access, refer to the Reality Online Documentation.

  2. Use SSM option 2 to set up a user-id that will be used to access your Remote Basic subroutines. Set the Status (option 13) to E (enabled) and the Type (option 14) to S or * (so that it can be used as a server). Note that on a UNIX host a corresponding UNIX user-id must also exist, and it is the password for the UNIX user-id that must be used when establishing a connection.

  3. Use SSM option 3 to configure the security profile associated with the user-id you have created, setting Alt Server Profiles (option 8) to specify that the Remote Basic server (RBSRVR) should use the security profile you created in step 1.