MT Code - Mask Time
The MT code is used to convert time notations such as 01:40:30 or 1:30 AM to or from the internal format.
Time is stored internally as the number of seconds from midnight. The stored value can be output in the 12 hour or 24 hour (international) format.
Input Conversion
Input conversion is valid. Generally, for selection processing you should specify MT codes in attribute 7 of the data definition item.
Times can be specified with or without colon separators. If the separators are omitted, the time elements (hours, minutes and seconds) must each consist of two digits, with leading zeros if appropriate.
If the ALT.MT environment option is set, decimal points can also be used as separators.
Syntax Elements
H Specifies 12-hour format. If omitted, 24-hour format is used. If included in an output conversion, the AM or PM suffix (as appropriate) is automatically appended.
S Specifies that seconds should be included.
These modifiers apply only to output conversions; they are ignored when used in an input conversion.
12:00AM is midnight and 12:00PM is noon.
For input conversions, if minutes and/or seconds are omitted they default to 0.
For input conversions, the AM and PM suffixes are ignored if the preceding time is greater than 12:59:59. For example, 13:00AM converts to the same value as 01:00PM.
Input Conversion Examples
Code |
Input String |
Result |
Comments |
MT |
01:00AM |
3600 |
MT |
01:00 |
3600 |
01:00 |
3600 |
H modifier is ignored. |
MT |
01:00PM |
46800 |
MT |
01:00:30PM |
46830 |
01:00:30PM |
46830 |
S modifier is ignored. |
MT |
13:00 |
46800 |
MT |
00:00 |
0 |
MT |
12:00AM |
0 |
Midnight. |
MT |
12:00PM |
43200 |
Noon. |
MT |
043020 |
16220 |
MT |
0430 |
16200 |
MT |
4 |
14400 |
Output Conversion Examples
Code |
Stored Value | Result |
MT |
46800 |
13:00 |
46800 |
13:00:00 |
0 |
00:00:00 |
MT |
3600 |
01:00 |
3600 |
01:00AM |
46800 |
01:00PM |
46800 |
01:00:00PM |
0 |
12:00:00AM |