Copies a saved list to another list in POINTER-FILE or to another file.


COPY-LIST list-name1 {account-name1} {(options}

Destination prompt


At the destination prompt, you can use one of two formats:

  1. Copy the list to a different list-name and optionally to another account-name within POINTER-FILE with the following syntax:

    list-name2 {account-name2}

    If the account you specify has a local POINTER-FILE, the list will be copied into that file; otherwise, it will be saved in the global POINTER-FILE and associated  with the specified account.


    If you do not specify any options but only press Return at the TO: prompt, the source list is displayed on the terminal.

  2. Copy the list to another file on the current account with the following syntax:

    (file-specifier {item-id}


    The syntax for copying to another file requires an opening parenthesis.

Syntax elements

list-name1 specifies the name of the source list.

account-name1 specifies the name of the source account. If you do not specify account-name, the current account is assumed.

list-name2 specifies the name of the destination list.

account-name2 specifies the destination account. If you do not specify account-name, the current account is assumed.

file-specifier specifies the destination file.

item-id specifies the destination item-id.


DDeletes the item from the source file after copying it (not valid with option P or T).

LSuppresses line numbers (valid only with P or T).

NSuppresses auto paging (valid only with T).

OOverwrites the existing list or item.

PSends the source list to the printer assigned to your port.

TSends the source list to the terminal.

XOutputs in hexadecimal notation (valid only with T or P).


If either the T or P option is used the TO: destination prompt is superfluous and is automatically suppressed.


[241] 'ROOMS-AVAIL-FEB' Cataloged

The command copies a previously saved list, overwriting an existing list in POINTER-FILE.

[241] 'ROOMS-AVAIL-FEB' Cataloged

The command copies a previously saved list to another list, specifying a different account name (EC) in POINTER-FILE.

1 items copied

A previously saved list is copied to the item 'ROOMS-AVAIL-FEB' in the file 'BOOKINGS.'