S - Search and Replace

Replaces one character string with another.




Press S. The Status/Command Line prompts:



CS indicates that the search will be case-sensitive. Use the = command to toggle between case-sensitive and -insensitive.

Enter the string to be located and replaced (the SEARCH string). The Status/Command Line prompts:


Enter the replacement string. The Status/Command Line prompts:

REPLACE (A)ll, (S)elective:

You must press either A or S; there is no default value for this selection. The Status/Command Line then prompts:

Thru line# Ret=current, 0=Exit

Enter a line number. The program searches from the current line to the line number specified. Press RETURN for only the current line. Press 0 (zero) to exit the search and replace routine.

If you press S for selective replacement, the Status/Command Line prompts:

(R)eplace  (Q)uit  (Return)=Next

Press RETURN to skip this occurrence and go to the next one.

Case sensitivity

You can choose whether the R command matches strings in a case-sensitive or -insensitive way. For example, if you search for "FRED", this will match "Fred", "FRED" and "fred" if the search is case-insensitive but only "FRED" if it is case-sensitive. Whether searches are case-sensitive or -insensitive can be selected as follows:

Note that, if you are editing multiple items, the current setting is retained when you open a new item.