S - Search and Replace
Replaces one character string with another.
Press S. The Status/Command Line prompts:
indicates that the search will be
case-sensitive. Use the = command to toggle
between case-sensitive and -insensitive.
Enter the string to be located and replaced (the SEARCH string). The Status/Command Line prompts:
Enter the replacement string. The Status/Command Line prompts:
REPLACE (A)ll, (S)elective:
Press A to replace all occurrences of the SEARCH string with the REPLACE string. This includes replacing multiple occurrences on the same line.
Press S to selectively replace each occurrence of the SEARCH string. The program locates each occurrence of the SEARCH string and prompts you whether or not to replace it.
You must press either A or S; there is no default value for this selection. The Status/Command Line then prompts:
Thru line# Ret=current, 0=Exit
Enter a line number. The program searches from the current line to the line number specified. Press RETURN for only the current line. Press 0 (zero) to exit the search and replace routine.
If you press S for selective replacement, the Status/Command Line prompts:
(R)eplace (Q)uit (Return)=Next
Press R to replace the string and move to the next occurrence.
Press Q to quit the search.
Press RETURN to skip this occurrence and go to the next one.
Case sensitivity
You can choose whether the R command matches strings in a case-sensitive or -insensitive way. For example, if you search for "FRED", this will match "Fred", "FRED" and "fred" if the search is case-insensitive but only "FRED" if it is case-sensitive. Whether searches are case-sensitive or -insensitive can be selected as follows:
You can select the required mode when you start the screen editor with the U (sensitive) or Y (insensitive) option. If you use neither of these options, the current data case setting is used (set with the DATA.CC environment option or the CASE TCL command).
You can change the case setting with the = screen editor command.
Note that, if you are editing multiple items, the current setting is retained when you open a new item.