The Line Editor
This topic explains how to invoke the Editor and how it works. It also explains the TCL commands used with the Editor.
This topic describes the Line Editor processor (Editor).
Editor Capabilities
The Editor is a processor you can use to modify any item in the database to which you have access. The Editor can create and/or modify DataBasic programs, Procs, data file items, and file dictionary items. The Editor allows you to view, but not edit, items in binary format, such as cataloged DataBasic programs.
Editor Features
The Editor includes the following features:
Absolute and relative current line positioning.
Line number prompting on input.
Line concatenation.
Universal replacement.
Line merging from other items.
Item filing under new item-ids and/or in new files.
Character string location and replacement.
Conditional and unconditional line deletion.
Input/output formatting.
Command prestoring.
Item locking.