Lists named common sections.


NC.LIST {[name {...} || * ]}

Syntax Elements

nameThe name of a named common section.


Do not include the slashes that are used to specify the common section when declaring variables (see COMMON statement).

* Specifies all named common sections.

If used with no parameters, NC.LIST uses the active select list, if any.


The status of each name common section is shown as follows:

active with n descriptors
The section contains one or more declared variables. The number of descriptors gives an indication of the amount of memory used by these variables.

The section has been reset using the NC.RESET command. It does not contain any declared variables.

not in use
The section does not exist.


Named common 'NC1' is active with 32 descriptors.
Named common 'NC2' has been reset.
Named common 'NC3' is active with 160 descriptors.

List all named common sections. In this example, sections NC1 and NC3 contain declared variables, but NC2 has been reset using the NC.RESET command.

Named common 'NC1' is active with 32 descriptors.
Named common 'NC4' is not in use.

List the named common sections NC1 and NC4. In this example, section NC1 contains declared variables, but none have yet been declared in NC4.

See Also

COMMON Variables, COMMON statement, NC.RESET command.