SEQS Function

Converts ASCII or multi-byte characters in a dynamic array to the corresponding character codes.


SEQS(dynArray{, charSize})

Syntax Elements

dynArray A DataBasic expression that evaluates to a dynamic array.

charSize Optional. A positive integer in the range 1 to 6, specifying the size of the character (default, 1). This parameter is intended for future use with multi-byte characters.

Return Value

A dynamic array with the same structure as dynArray, but with the first character in each element replaced by the corresponding character code.


  • Null elements remain null.

  • Numeric elements are treated as strings and the first ASCII or multi-byte character (as appropriate) is converted.


Reality does not currently support multi-byte characters; however, SEQS may be used for binary to decimal conversions, where charSize is the number of bytes in the binary fields.

SEQS is the inverse of the CHARS function.


ARY = "R":@VM:"e":@VM:"a":@VM:"l":@VM:"i":@VM:"t":@VM:"y"

Sets NEWARY to "82VM101VM97VM108VM105VM116VM121".