BITNOR Function
Returns the bitwise logical NOR of two expressions.
Syntax elements
expression A valid DataBasic expression or any string, substring or value; may be expressed as a variable name, a value, or a string enclosed in quote marks that evaluates to a decimal number (of which only the integer part is used).
Each expression is converted to a hexadecimal number before the logical NOR is performed. If one expression is shorter than the other the shorter one is first sign extended to be the same length. There is no limit to the length that can be accommodated.
Expression |
Bit string |
Expression A |
Expression B |
Function |
Result |
If a non-numeric expression is supplied a B16 warning is produced:
[B16] Program ProgramName Line LineNumber Non-numeric data when numeric required; zero used.
See also
BITAND function, BITNAND function, BITNOT function, BITOR function, BITXNOR function, BITXOR function.