BITLOAD Function
Assigns values to the entire bit table or retrieves the current value of the entire table.
Syntax Elements
bitString An ASCII string containing the characters 0 to 9 and A to F, representing a hexadecimal value. This is used as a bit pattern to assign values to the table from left to right, where each character represents a group of four bits. Assignment stops at the end of the string, after 32 characters or when a non-hexadecimal character is encountered.
If the string defines fewer than 128 bits, the remaining bits in the table are reset.
If bitString is supplied and does not evaluate to null, BITLOAD returns 0.
If bitString is omitted or evaluates to null, an ASCII hexadecimal character string is returned, representing the current bit settings from the table. Trailing zeros in the string are omitted.
BITLOAD operates on a table of 128 bits, numbered 1 to 128, unique to each process. Each bit is available as a two-state flag, that is, the value returned by the function is always either zero or one.
See Also
BITCHANGE function, BITCHECK function, BITRESET function, BITSET function.
Example 1
X = "AB233FA22AD498BA12348A" A = BITLOAD(X)
Loads the bit table with the value of ASCII hex string X. After execution, the contents of the bit table are:
1010 1011 0010 0011 0011 1111 1010 0010 0010 1010 1101 0100 1001 1000 1011 1010 0001 0010 0011 0100 1000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Note the remaining zeros (reset bits). Only 88 of the 128 bits were set because only 22 characters were contained in the input expression.
Example 2
Loads variable TABLE with the hexadecimal value of the bit table.
Example 3
* Set the bits in the table to some initial values. INIT = "B37A" BITS = BITLOAD(INIT) * Display their values. PRINT BITLOAD() * Set bit 2. BIT2 = BITSET(2) * Display the old and new values. PRINT "Bit 2: ":BIT2:" ":BITCHECK(2) * Clear bit 8. BIT8 = BITRESET(8) PRINT "Bit 8: ":BIT8:" ":BITCHECK(8) * Change the value of bit 12. BIT12 = BITCHANGE(12) PRINT "Bit 12: ":BIT12:" ":BITCHECK(12) * Display the modified table. PRINT BITLOAD()
This example loads a bit pattern into the bit table, changes the values of some of the bits and displays their old and new values, and then displays the modified table as a hexadecimal string. When this example is executed, the following is displayed:
Bit 2: 0 1
Bit 8: 1 0
Bit 12: 1 0